Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 53

The Słupia valley in the vicinity of Słupsk towards the close of the Vistulian and in the Holocene

Wacław Florek

Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 53, pp. 67-84 | Full text

In the investigations of the post-glacial development of river valleys and of theevolution of their channels the rivers flowing from the Pomeranian area directly into theBaltic Sea were generally left out. It does not mean, however, that there are no studiesconcerning the geological structure and the geomorphology of river valleys in this area.But most of those studies have a general character (cf. Deecke 1911; Biilow 1930;Keilhack 1930; Sylwestrzak 1973. 1978a. b; Piasecki 1976, 1982). The common featureof those studies is that they are but little supported by field investigations. B. Rosa(1964) has made an attempt at a comprehensive solution of the problem of thegeological structure of littoral river valleys; making use of geological archivals and ofhis own observation he has presented his views on the development of littoral rivervalleys and the problems to be solved. He has identified rather large sections ofaccumulation in the valley bottoms of littoral rivers (50 km for the Slupia, 13 km for theLupawa), as well as the effect of the sea level fluctuations on the development of organiccovers in the valley bottoms.In their studies of the Radunia valley Rachocki (1973, 1974, 1981) and Koutaniemiand Rachocki (1981) have noticed the role of late-glacial lakes in the development ofriver valleys and they have afforded important information concerning the features offluvial deposits, the rate of fluvial processes and the effect of hydrotechnical interferencein the river channel on the course and rate of those processes.The Pleistocene developmental stage of the catchment area of the Slupia and itsvalley has been lately the subject of Mojski and Orlowski's (1978) and of Orlowski's(1981, 1983) studies. They have been based on the existing geological material and on adetailed analysis of morphologic conditions.It seems, however, that the present state of knowledge on the postglacial stage oflittoral river valleys development has been correctly evaluated by Kondracki (1978) andMarsz (1984) who have indicated that, up to now, the development of no littoral rivervalley has been studied.In 1981 — 1985 at the Department of Geography of the High School of Pedagogy,Słupsk, the present author supervised work on the following subject: "The evolutionand mechanism of transformation of the valley bottoms of the Słupia and the Lupawa".It was part of the interdepartmental problem MR 1/25: "Transformation of Poland'sgeographical environment" coordinated by Professor Leszek Starkel. Substantial helpin this research was brought by the High School of Pedagogy in Słupsk, which financeda part of the radiocarbon dating and some other specialistic work.

The study was carried out with reference to the program IGCP No 158 A"Palaeohydrologic changes in the temperate zone during the last 15000 years",subproject A: "Fluvial environment". A guide-book for investigations, prepared andpublished by Starkel and Thornes (1981) has proved to be extremely useful.During their work the authors taking part in the investigations published orprepared for print a number of studies (Orłowski 1981; E. Florek 1983, in press;E. Florek, W. Florek, in press; W. Florek 1983, in press a, b, c; Alexandrowicz et al., inpress). Further studies are being prepared.

Wacław Florek, Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Geograpghy and Regional Studies, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Partyzantów 27, 76-200 Słupsk, Poland