Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18

Studies in geographical methods : proceedings of the 3rd Anglo-Polish Geographical Seminar, Baranów Sandomierski, September 1-10, 1967


Publication and communication in geography

Keith M. Clayton

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 13-20 | Full text

Further information

Keith M. Clayton, University of East Anglia

Geographical scientific information in Poland and its difficulties

Kazimierz Dziewoński

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 21-26 | Full text

Further information

Kazimierz Dziewoński, Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa

Behavioural postulates and the construction of theory in human geography

David V. Harvey

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 27-46 | Full text

Further information

David V. Harvey, University of Bristol

Some theoretical aspects of the application of mathematical models in economic geography

Zbyszko Chojnicki

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 47-56 | Full text

Further information

Zbyszko Chojnicki, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

Recent British contributions to the study of population geography

James H. Johnson

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 57-74 | Full text

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This paper presents a progress report on British research into populationgeography during the last decade. This work is notable for its quantity and diversity,reflected both in the variety of periods and areas studied and in the purposesfor which research has been undertaken. Yet, looking over recent work, threethemes are particularly noticeable. One is a concern with the geographical studyof population data from the underdeveloped countries, particularly those inAfrica. Another is a recurring interest in population found among British historicalgeographers. The third is the analysis of contemporary population problemswithin the British Isles.

James H. Johnson, University College, London

The internal migration of population in Poland, 1961—1965

Leszek Kosiński

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 75-84 | Full text

Further information

Leszek Kosiński, Institute of Geography PAN, Warsaw

Investigations of urban land use in Polish geographical studies

Julitta Rakowicz-Grocholska

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 85-92 | Full text

Further information

Julitta Rakowicz-Grocholska, Institute of Geography PAN, Warsaw

Some methods of determining land use and agricultural ,,orientation" as used in Polish land utilization and typological studies

Jerzy Kostrowicki

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 93-120 | Full text

Further information

Jerzy Kostrowicki, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland

The quantitative analysis of land use patterns with special reference to land use maps: shape analysis, with an application

Christoper Board

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 121-138 | Full text

Further information

Christoper Board, London School of Economics

Random sampling techniques in social geography

H. Brian Rodgers

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 139-156 | Full text

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H. Brian Rodgers, University of Keele

Some comments on the relevance of multivariate analysis to geography: a methodological review

Derek Thompson

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 157-176 | Full text

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Geography has experienced fairly rapid growth in the last ten years in theuse of statistical and mathematical techniques. WTell represented in this expansionis the group of statistical procedures known as multivariate analysis. This paperaims to illustrate the relevance of such techniques to geography, not by summarizingtheir applications as they have appeared in the literature, but by discussingtheir basic features and the kinds of question which they can help solve. Thisapproach provides a more useful guide to their possible applications in geography,although it does mean that the description of the uses of particular techniquesis subordinate to an account of multivariate methods in general.

Derek Thompson, University of Sheffield

The point of change for methods in thematic cartography

Lech Ratajski

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 177-182 | Full text

Further information

Lech Ratajski, Warsaw University

Precision in terminology: an example from fluvial morphology

Christine S. Sunley

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 183-198 | Full text

Further information

Christine S. Sunley, Queen Mary College, London

Examples of geomorphological investigations in Poland based on quantitative methods

Bolesław Dumanowski

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 199-206 | Full text

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Bolesław Dumanowski, University of Warsaw

Some methods of morphodynamic research used in Cracow

Zdzisław Czeppe

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 207-212 | Full text

Further information

Zdzisław Czeppe, Jagellonian University, Cracow

Some recent field and laboratory experiments in geomorphology

V. Bruce Prondfoot

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 213-226 | Full text

Further information

V. Bruce Prondfoot, Formerly at University of Durham, now at University of Alberta

Recent developments and techniques in the study of karst landforms in the British Isles

Marjorie M. Siveeting

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 227-242 | Full text

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The study of karst landforms has developed rapidly in Britain in the lastfew years. The aim of this paper is, to discuss some of these recent developmentsparticularly in relation to the development of the techniques used. Two maindevelopments will be discussed, 1) the study of the solution of limestones andof karst waters; 2) advances in the study of karst landforms in Britain.

Marjorie M. Siveeting, School of Geography, Oxford University

Satellites in geographical research

Eric C. Barrett

Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18, pp. 243-260 | Full text

Further information

Eric C. Barrett, University of Bristol