
    A | Á | B | C | D | Ď | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | Ł | M | N | O | Ó | P | R | S | Š | Ś | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | Ź | Ż | Ф |
  • Gloria Lora-Tamayo D'Ocon, Instituto de Economía y Geografía, C.S.I.C. Calle Pinar 25, 28006 Madrid, Spain
  • Michael F. Dacey
  • Sven Dahl
  • Jean-philippe Damais, Centre d'Etudes des Populations et des Activités Urbaines, Université de Paris-Nord (XIII), Université de Paris I, Paris, France
  • Nicoleta Damian [], Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, Environmental Geography and GIS Department 12 Dimitrie Racoviţă Str., Sector 2, RO-023993 Bucharest: Romania
  • Vladimir G. Davidovich, Moscow Institute for Engineering and Economy
  • D. Hywel Davies, Geography Department, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  • John A. Dawson, Department of Geography. University of Wales. Lampeter. Dyfed. UK
  • Lincoln Day, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute ,The Hague, The Netherlands Research School of Social Sciences, Department of Demography, The Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
  • Alice T. Day, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands Successful Ageing, Australian Commonwealth Territory 1st Floor Garema Arcade, Canberra 2602, Australia
  • Przemysław H. Dąbrowski, Institut d'Economie Rurale. Varsovie
  • Leani De Vries [], Department of Geography University of South Africa Florida Campus, Unisa, Private Bag X90, Florida, 1710: South Africa
  • Jan Degirmendžić, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences University of Łódź Narutowicza 88, 90-139 Łódź: Poland
  • Jan Degirmendżić, Department of Environmental Dynamics and Bioclimatology, Faculty of Biology and Earth Science, University of Lodz Lipowa 81, 90-568 Łódź, Poland
  • Bożena Degórska [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
  • Marek Degórski [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
  • Marek Degórski [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
  • Elena Dell’Agnese, University of Milan-Bicocca Faculty of Sociology, Department of Social Research Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 I-20126 Milano: Italy
  • Jaromir Demek, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Brno
  • Dimitrios S. Dendrinos, Graduate Program in Urban Planning, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
  • Benneth Dennegârd, Department of Marine Geology, Box 7064, S-402 32 Göteborg and Department of Geology, University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology, S—412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
  • Marta Derek, Department of Tourism Geography and Recreation University of Warsaw Krakowskie Przedmieście 30 00-927 Warsaw: Poland
  • C. D. Desphande, Department of Geography, Bombay University, Bombay, India
  • Bernard Dézert, Université de Paris X
  • Jerzy Dębski, Institut dc Géographie et d'Aménagement du Territoire, Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie
  • Gunnar Digerfeldt, Department of Quaternary Geology. Lund University, Tornav, 13, S-223 63 Lund, Sweden
  • Ljubomir Dinev, Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Sofia University, Bulgaria
  • Alfred Dittgen, Institut de Démographie de Paris, Université de Paris I — Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
  • Michał Długosz [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Św. Jana 22, 31-018 Kraków, Poland
  • Mateusz Dobek
  • Antoni Dobija, Jagellonian Unversity
  • Petr Dobrovolny
  • Maria Dobrowolska, College of Pedagogy, Cracow
  • Radosław Dobrowolski, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Kraśnicka 2 D, 20-718 Lublin: Poland
  • Robert A. Dodgshon
  • Dino Dokupil []
  • Michał Dolata, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań, Poland
  • Sylwia Dołzbłasz [sylwia.dolzblasz@], University of Wrocław Institute of Geography and Regional Development Kuźnicza 49/55, 50‑138 Wrocław: Poland
  • Sylwia Dołzbłasz [sylwia.dolzblasz@], Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego
  • Ryszard Domański, Academy of Economics Poznań, Department of Spatial and Environmental Economics al. Niepodległości 10, 60-967 Poznań, Poland
  • Bolesław Domański
  • Josefina Domínguez Mujica, Chair of the IGU Commission on Global Change and Human Mobility University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria C/Pérez del Toro 1, 35003 Las Palmas: Spain
  • Ton W. Donker, Stakeholder and Contract Management, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), P.O. Box 201, 3730 AE De Bilt, Netherlands
  • Sławomir Dorocki [], Institute of Geography Pedagogical University of Kraków Podchorążych 2, 30-084, Kraków: Poland
  • Mieczysław Dorywalski, Geographical Institute Łódź University
  • Adrian Downing, Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London University, 99 Gower St., London WC1E 6AZ, United Kingdom
  • Francesco Dramis
  • Konrad Dramowicz, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
  • Duśan Drbohlav, Institute of Geography, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Jean Dresch, Professeur, Université de Paris VII, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France; Ancien Président de l'Union Géographique Internationale
  • B.g.j. Driessen, Institute of Geographical Research, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Bogdan Drozdowicz, The Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow
  • Eugeniusz Drozdowski, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Kopernika 19, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
  • Czesław Druet
  • Maria Drzał, Research Centre of Nature Protection Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow
  • Henryk Dubaniewicz, Łódź, University
  • Maria Dubicka, Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Geographical Institute, University of Wroclaw, Kosiby 6/8, 51-670 Wroclaw
  • Vladan Ducić [], Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade Studentski trg 3/3, 11000 Belgrade: Serbia
  • Alec N. Duckham, Department of Agriculture University of Reading, England
  • Raymond Dugrand
  • Sabine Duhamel, Laboratoire de Géographie Humaine, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille-Flandres-Artois, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
  • Bolesław Dumanowski, University of Warsaw
  • Răzvan Dumbravă [], Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport University of Oradea 1st University Street, 410 087 Oradea: Romania
  • Teresa Dunin-Wąsowicz
  • Claudine Durbiano, Université d'Aix-Marseille II
  • Frans Dussart
  • Petr Dvořák, Institute of Geonics Ostrava, Branch Brno Czech Academy of Sciences Drobného 28, 60200 Brno: Czechia
  • Mirek Dymitrow [], Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences Lund University Sölvegatan 10, 223-62 Lund: Sweden; Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Cultural Sciences Linnæus University SE-351 95 Växjö: Sweden
  • Irena Dynowska, Institute of Geography, Jagiellonian University. Cracow, Poland
  • V. Sh. Dzhaoshvili, Vakhushli Institute of Geography. Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. Tbilisi. USSR
  • Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz, Institute of Geography, Łódź University, Łódź. Poland
  • Danuta Dzieduszyńska, Chair of Quaternary Studies, University of Łódź, Narutowicza 88, 90-139 Łódź, Poland
  • Kazimierz Dziewoński, Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa