Geographia Polonica > For Authors > Main information

Main information

The editors of Geographia Polonica invite theoretical and empirical contributions to human as well as physical geography, in broad terms. Articles are expected to be original and not yet published elsewhere unless in languages other than English. Publishing in our journal does not require any fees.

Manuscripts and contributions in the English language should be submitted to the Editor of Geographia Polonica (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland) via email to the following address:

The manuscripts should be arranged in the following order. First sheet: title, full name of author(s), affiliation, full postal address, e-mail address. Second sheet: abstract of no more than 100 words, key words (3-10) at the end of the abstract. Subsequent sheets: the main text of no more than 7,000 words. Then on separate sheets: acknowledgements (if desired), notes, references, tables, illustrations, captions to illustrations.

The main text may be organized in sections under appropriate headings without numerals.

Articles accepted for publication maybe checked for plagiarism. When the malpractice is self-evident, the proceedings are launched in conformity with the COPE guidelines. Author(s) is / are fully responsible for the content of the article with regard to the third party copyrights.

Submitting the manuscript for publication is tantamount to expressing approval by the Author(s) for launching the reviewing procedure practiced by the journal.

Authors' submission of papers to the Geographia Polonica journal are taken to confirm their granting of the author's or authors' express consent for the free publication of their papers by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS in print and electronic formats and on the open Internet under a Creative Common Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence.

The full content of the licence is available at:

 Attention! From 2020, the editors of Geographia Polonica use APA style formatting for citations and references. Therefore from now on authors are requested to conform to the following rules:

REFERENCES should be printed in alphabetical sequence at the end of the text. Examples:

Articles from journals (note that when a paper has a doi id, it should be given as the full version link at the end of bibliographic item):

van der Heide, C.M., Heijman, & W.J.M. (Eds.), (2013). The economic value of landscapes. London: Routledge.

Törnqvist, G. (2004). Creativity in time and space. Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography,
86(4), 227-244.

Books ((note that when a book has a doi id, it should be given as the full version link at the end of bibliographic item):

Koenker, D., (2013). Club Red: Vacation travel and the Soviet Dream. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.

Chapters from books (note that when a chapter has a doi id, it should be given as the full version link at the end of bibliographic item):

Crowley, D., & Reid, S., (2002). Socialist spaces: Sites of everyday life in the Eastern Bloc. In D. Crowley,
S.E. & Reid (Eds.), Socialist spaces: Sites of everyday life in the Eastern Bloc (pp. 1-23). Oxford: Berg.

Biron, D. (2009). LAMPINET–Lightning detection in Italy. In H.D. Betz, U. Schumann, & P. Laroche (Eds.), Lightning: Principles, instruments and applications review of modern lightning research (pp. 141-159). Dordrecht: Springer.


Prest V. K., Grant D.G., & Rampton V.N. (1968). Glacial map of Canada. Map 1253A, 1:5,000,000. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ont.

Unpublished documents (Theses, ‘grey literature’):

Kohno A., Stubblefield A., Rubin A.D., & Wallach D.S., (2004). Analysis of an electronic voting systems. (Typescript). Johns Hopkins University.

Electronic and Internet documents or websites:

CIT. (2012). NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California Institute of Technology. Retrieved from [1 December 2011].

References should be indicated in the text by listing, in parenthesis, the author’s name followed by the data of publication, e.g. (Haeberli, 1975) or (Haworth & Hurley, 1984) or (Boudevillain et al., 2009) if there are more than two authors (Note: all the author s should be listed in the references).


FOOTNOTES and NOTES should be referred to by superscript letters.

ILLUSTRATIONS should be supplied in one of the following formats:

  • photographs: JPG, TIFF, EPS or PSD,
  • maps, figures and diagrams should be presented as vector files in AI (Adobe Illustrator) or one of the format mentioned above.

Please ensure that the resolution is not lower than 300 dpi and the lines are a minimum of 0.3 points thick. Please also supply printouts of illustrations that are to be presented, in black and white or in colours, in relation to the required final appearance in print.

TABLES should be printed on separate sheets and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1). Each table should be provided with a clear descriptive caption at the top and informative column headings.

EQUATIONS and SYMBOLS used in mathematical formulae must be clearly explained. Axes on graphs should be described clearly. Units and abbreviations used by authors should conform to the International List.

MEASUREMENTS should be given in metric units.



Articles accepted for publication in Geographia Polonica are not honoured financially. Authors of accepted articles will receive one copy of the journal free of charge.

Authors are responsible for indicating copyright as w ell as permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any texts, tables or illustrations for which copyright exists.



Precise technical guidelines (Polish version)

Precise guidelines for references (English version)

Precise technical guidelines (English version)