Results 1 - 5 of 5 for America (0.0002 seconds)
Formation of settlement systems out of the former colonial systems : The case of Latin America [100.00% relevance]
the former colonial systems : The case of Latin America As a theoretical framework this paper makes … the former colonial systems : The case of Latin America Luis F. Chaves Geographia Polonica (1983) vol. … the former colonial systems : The case of Latin America, Luis F. Chaves, Geographia Polonica (1983) vol
article/item/8245.html - 13.86 kB
Settlement patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America [100.00% relevance]
patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America The United States has been the country receiving … patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America Wilawan Kanjanapan Geographia Polonica (1993) … patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America, Wilawan Kanjanapan, Geographia Polonica (1993)
article/item/7973.html - 13.96 kB
Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela [100.00% relevance]
patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela Geographia Polonica (1978 … patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela Luis F. Chaves Geographia … patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela, Luis F. Chaves,
article/item/8379.html - 11.8 kB
Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas [33.33% relevance]
, human health, ecosystems, Europe, North America Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In
article/item/7818.html - 14.81 kB
Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South [33.33% relevance]
Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 433-448 | America, blacks, cities, inequality, race Inequality in
article/item/7980.html - 13.35 kB