Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Anthropocene (0.0044 seconds)
Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene? [100.00% relevance]
Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene? The entire Earth system consists of fully … vol. 93, iss. 4 Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene? Marek Więckowski Geographia Polonica (2020) vol … . 93, iss. 4, pp. 473-492 | Geography, Anthropocene, pandemic, COVID-19, IGU, globalisation Can a … pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene?, Marek Więckowski, Geographia Polonica (2020)
article/item/12590.html - 13.82 kB
Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental interactions on the periphery of Indian civilisation [100.00% relevance]
Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental … ) vol. 93, iss. 4 Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental … , iss. 4, pp. 505-523 | stratigraphy, Holocene, Anthropocene, Meghalaya, human impact Where the Meghalayan … meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental
article/item/12735.html - 14.42 kB