Results 1 - 6 of 6 for Central-Eastern Europe (0.0132 seconds)
Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings [100.00% relevance]
Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings The … in discussions on spatial development in Europe in recent years. This paper presents new … . 3 Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings Hans … networks, capital cities, Central-Eastern Europe Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern … Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings … ) vol. 86, iss. 3 Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings … relations, research networks, capital cities, Central-Eastern Europe Polycentric City Networks in Central-
article/item/8907.html - 14.25 kB
Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe [100.00% relevance]
Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe This article presents the demographic and ethnic … situation of Central and Eastern Europe. For geographical, political and ethnic reasons … 72, iss. 1 Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe Piotr Eberhardt Geographia Polonica (1999) vol. … | ethnic structure, minorities, Central-Eastern Europe Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe, … Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe This article presents the demographic and … (1999) vol. 72, iss. 1 Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe Piotr Eberhardt Geographia Polonica (1999 … . 1, pp. 125-142 | ethnic structure, minorities, Central-Eastern Europe Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern
article/item/2219.html - 13.13 kB
Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries [77.78% relevance]
Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern … Polonica (1995) vol. 66 Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern … , technopoles, innovation centres, East-Central Europe, high technology centres Science parks in … Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern … Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries In recent years, at both … Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries Michela Lazzeroni Geographia … Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries, Michela Lazzeroni,
article/item/7893.html - 13.27 kB
Tourism transitions, changes, and the creation of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe [66.67% relevance]
of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe This paper outlines the general context of … of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe Marek Więckowski, Jarkko Saarinen Geographia … of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe, Marek Więckowski, Jarkko Saarinen, Geographia … , and the creation of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe This paper outlines the general context … , and the creation of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe Marek Więckowski, Jarkko Saarinen … , and the creation of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe, Marek Więckowski, Jarkko Saarinen,
article/item/11843.html - 14.97 kB
Geographia Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 4 [22.22% relevance]
and the creation of new spaces and places in Central-Eastern Europe
issue/item/92_4.html - 37.87 kB
Is the suburbanization stage always important in the transformation of large urban agglomerations? The case of the Katowice Conurbation [22.22% relevance]
, postindustrial region, urban polycentrism, Central-Eastern Europe Is the suburbanization stage always … region, urban polycentrism, Central-Eastern Europe Is the suburbanization stage always important in
article/item/10918.html - 14.62 kB