Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Cherrapunji plateau (0.0019 seconds)
The relationships between different forms of iron and aluminium in soils as indicators of soil-cover development on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau) [100.00% relevance]
indicators of soil-cover development on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau) The aim of the work … indicators of soil-cover development on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau) Marek Degórski … aluminium, leaching and podzolization of soil, Cherrapunji Spur, India The relationships between different … indicators of soil-cover development on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau), Marek Degórski, … on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau) The aim of the work described here has been to … on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau) Marek Degórski Geographia Polonica (2011) vol. … on India's Cherrapunji Spur (Meghalaya Plateau), Marek Degórski, Geographia Polonica (2011) vol
article/item/7191.html - 14.24 kB
Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India [85.71% relevance]
soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India The present paper includes a … of the environment in the extremely humid Cherrapunji region (with annual rainfalls from 8 000 to 24 … soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India Leszek Starkel, Surendra Singh, Roman … 43-65 | rainstorm, overland flow, soil erosion, Cherrapunji plateau, '7Cs Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion … in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India, Leszek Starkel, Surendra Singh, Roman … , overland flow, soil erosion, Cherrapunji plateau, '7Cs Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the
article/item/3411.html - 15.8 kB