Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Estonia (0.0389 seconds)
Evolution of aeolian landscapes in north-eastern Estonia under environmental changes [100.00% relevance]
Evolution of aeolian landscapes in north-eastern Estonia under environmental changes Evolution of dunes … stability. Formation of wind-blown landforms in Estonia is … Geographia Polonica (2011) vol. 84, iss. … Evolution of aeolian landscapes in north-eastern Estonia under environmental changes Anto Raukas … uplift, inland and coastal dunes, Lake Peipsi, Estonia Evolution of aeolian landscapes in north-eastern … Estonia under environmental changes, Anto Raukas,
article/item/7636.html - 17.18 kB
Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts [80.00% relevance]
Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political … conflicts This paper deals with North-East Estonia as the only urban agglomeration in the Baltic … . 64 Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political … shale Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political
article/item/7916.html - 13.51 kB
Planning urban systems in Soviet times and in the era of transition: the case of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania [80.00% relevance]
times and in the era of transition: the case of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania The article deals with the … the Soviet era in the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The main items of Soviet … times and in the era of transition: the case of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Jurgis Vanagas, Zaiga … times and in the era of transition: the case of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Jurgis Vanagas, Zaiga
article/item/7762.html - 14.27 kB
Socio-economic disparities in the Baltic States: Analytical comparison and categorisation of the Regions [20.00% relevance]
Regions Although the Baltic states, comprising Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, situated on the
article/item/11806.html - 14.83 kB
Distribution and dynamics of rural population in Central E astern Europe in the 20th century [20.00% relevance]
with demographic problems of the rural areas in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Kaliningrad District,
article/item/7933.html - 13.78 kB