Results 1 - 1 of 1 for European geomorphic hazards (0.0198 seconds)
Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains [100.00% relevance]
of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Debris flows constitute the dominant … of the Tatra Mountains, the Alps and other European mountain massifs. Rainfall … Geographia Polonica … of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Adam Kotarba Geographia Polonica (2007 … flows, extreme rainfall events, Tatra Mountains, European geomorphic hazards Geomorphic activity of debris … flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains, Adam Kotarba, Geographia Polonica ( … … Geographia Polonica (2007) vol. 80, iss. 2 Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in … rainfall events, Tatra Mountains, European geomorphic hazards Geomorphic activity of debris flows in … events, Tatra Mountains, European geomorphic hazards Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra
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