Results 1 - 17 of 17 for GIS (0.0118 seconds)
A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium [100.00% relevance]
A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium We stand on the … subscribers and 2.3 billion internet users will GIS play much of a role … Geographia Polonica (2014 … ) vol. 87, iss. 2 A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium Francis Harvey … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 241-250 | GIS, information society, internet, data-driven … science, ubiquitous computing A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium,
article/item/9443.html - 13.16 kB
Spatial modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia [80.00% relevance]
modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and … modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and … ) vol. 89, iss. 1, pp. 79-90 | snow avalanche, GIS, run-out modelling, Western Tatra Mountains, … modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and
article/item/10465.html - 14.51 kB
Georeferencing of historical maps using GIS, as exemplified by the Austrian Military Surveys of Galicia [80.00% relevance]
Georeferencing of historical maps using GIS, as exemplified by the Austrian Military Surveys … , iss. 4 Georeferencing of historical maps using GIS, as exemplified by the Austrian Military Surveys … 2013) vol. 86, iss. 4, pp. 375-390 | historical GIS (HGIS), First, Second and Third Military Surveys … Empire Georeferencing of historical maps using GIS, as exemplified by the Austrian Military Surveys
article/item/9352.html - 14.15 kB
Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) [60.00% relevance]
development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) The objective of the paper … development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) Vladimir Kolosov, Andrei … development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia), Vladimir Kolosov, Andrei
article/item/11203.html - 15.5 kB
Mapping ecosystem services – a new regional-scale approach [20.00% relevance]
-520 | ecosystem services, ecosystem, mapping, GIS, Poland Mapping ecosystem services – a new
article/item/11178.html - 15.07 kB
An online database of Polish towns and historical landscapes using an Internet map server [20.00% relevance]
111-117 | Poland, towns, historical landscapes, GIS, Internet map server An online database of
article/item/7768.html - 14.15 kB
From communism to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) [20.00% relevance]
land use, agriculture, economic transformation, GIS, mountains From communism to a free-market
article/item/10882.html - 14.83 kB
The achievements and future potential of applied quantitative geography: A case study [20.00% relevance]
microsimulation, optimization, geodemographics, GIS, benefits of applied geography The achievements
article/item/9460.html - 14.08 kB
Studies on Historical Floods in Gdańsk (a Methodological Background) [20.00% relevance]
, reconstruction, historical documents, DEM, GIS, Gdańsk, Poland Studies on Historical Floods in
article/item/7693.html - 13.97 kB
The migratory system of Berlin after unification in the context of global restructuring [20.00% relevance]
path ways, spatial interaction model, urban GIS, stage of unification The migratory system of
article/item/7853.html - 14.09 kB
Spatio-temporal databases as research tool in historical Geography [20.00% relevance]
2016) vol. 89, iss. 3, pp. 359-370 | historical GIS, spatio-temporal databases, historical geography
article/item/10543.html - 13.36 kB
Application of the UTCI to the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region [20.00% relevance]
. 1, pp. 47-54 | UTCI, Ziemia Kłodzka, Poland, GIS, bioclimatic conditions, heat loads, heat stress
article/item/7728.html - 13.6 kB
The role of topography, canopy gaps, and forest edges in the distribution of windthrow damage in the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland [20.00% relevance]
. 92, iss. 2, pp. 173-187 | forest damage, wind, GIS analysis, spatial pattern, topography, canopy
article/item/11743.html - 14.75 kB
Historical diversity of Poland's urban network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions [20.00% relevance]
and towns, clustering, historical geography, GIS, Poland Historical diversity of Poland's urban
article/item/8909.html - 13.41 kB
Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland [20.00% relevance]
, we used terrestrial laser scanning methods and GIS … Geographia Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1
article/item/13545.html - 15.06 kB
The first medium-scale topographic map of Galicia (1779-1783) – survey, availability and importance [20.00% relevance]
| landscape changes, land use, historical maps, GIS The first medium-scale topographic map of
article/item/10885.html - 13.42 kB
Proximity and social capital in the context of artisan food producers: Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation [20.00% relevance]
| tacit knowledge, innovation, social capital, GIS, artisan food producers Proximity and social
article/item/13923.html - 16.59 kB