Results 1 - 7 of 7 for Gdańsk (0.0036 seconds)
Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) [100.00% relevance]
diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) The subjects of the study … occurring in subfossil sediments of the Gulf of Gdańsk. Analysis of changes in the diatom flora … diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) Andrzej Witkowski, Janusz … pollution of the sea, eutrophication, Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea Reconstructing the development of … diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea), Andrzej Witkowski,
article/item/7900.html - 14.2 kB
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a neighbourhood perspective [100.00% relevance]
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban … post-socialist urban development that evolved in Gdańsk, Poland. It aims to evaluate the effects of an … ) vol. 97, iss. 4 Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban … city, urban regeneration, neighbourhood, Gdańsk Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical
article/item/14117.html - 15.96 kB
Studies on Historical Floods in Gdańsk (a Methodological Background) [80.00% relevance]
Studies on Historical Floods in Gdańsk (a Methodological Background) The analysis and … vol. 80, iss. 2 Studies on Historical Floods in Gdańsk (a Methodological Background) Katarzyna Marosz … reconstruction, historical documents, DEM, GIS, Gdańsk, Poland Studies on Historical Floods in Gdańsk (
article/item/7693.html - 13.97 kB
Thermal regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay [80.00% relevance]
regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay Surface water temperature characteristics of … the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay were determined on the basis of available … regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay Renata Graf, Viktor Vyshnevskyi Geographia … regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay, Renata Graf, Viktor Vyshnevskyi, Geographia
article/item/13811.html - 14.21 kB
Variation of the total hydrocarbon (THC) concentration in the air over the Eastern part of the Gdańsk agglomeration [60.00% relevance]
in the air over the Eastern part of the Gdańsk agglomeration The paper presents the results of … in the air over the Eastern part of the Gdańsk agglomeration Andrzej Wyszkowski Geographia … in the air over the Eastern part of the Gdańsk agglomeration, Andrzej Wyszkowski, Geographia
article/item/7869.html - 13.81 kB
The spatial influence of the Gdańsk Agglomeration [60.00% relevance]
The spatial influence of the Gdańsk Agglomeration Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28 … The spatial influence of the Gdańsk Agglomeration Jerzy Dębski Geographia Polonica ( … . 28, pp. 127-144 | The spatial influence of the Gdańsk Agglomeration, Jerzy Dębski, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8611.html - 11.76 kB
Le lac de barrage glaciaire de Gdańsk d'après des recherches récentes [60.00% relevance]
Le lac de barrage glaciaire de Gdańsk d'après des recherches récentes Geographia … (1969) vol. 17 Le lac de barrage glaciaire de Gdańsk d'après des recherches récentes Ludmiła Roszko … 17, pp. 249-256 | Le lac de barrage glaciaire de Gdańsk d'après des recherches récentes, Ludmiła Roszko
article/item/8769.html - 11.79 kB