Results 1 - 5 of 5 for IGU (0.0152 seconds)
Twelve years' activity of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Typology [100.00% relevance]
Twelve years' activity of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Typology Geographia … (1979) vol. 40 Twelve years' activity of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Typology Jerzy … 40, pp. 235-253 | Twelve years' activity of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Typology, Jerzy
article/item/8363.html - 11.88 kB
Agricultural Typology. Summary of Activity of the IGU Commission for the Years 1964—1968 [100.00% relevance]
Typology. Summary of Activity of the IGU Commission for the Years 1964—1968 Geographia … Typology. Summary of Activity of the IGU Commission for the Years 1964—1968 Jerzy … Typology. Summary of Activity of the IGU Commission for the Years 1964—1968, Jerzy
article/item/8716.html - 12.02 kB
‘Tourism Geographies are moving out’ – A comment on the current state of Institutional Geographies of Tourism Geographies [33.33% relevance]
departments, institutional perspective, IGU, mainstream geography ‘Tourism Geographies are
article/item/9479.html - 13.76 kB
Emerging frontiers, challenges and changing professional avenues for geographers in the contemporary world [33.33% relevance]
global challenges, opportunities, future earth, IGU Emerging frontiers, challenges and changing
article/item/9449.html - 13.55 kB
Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene? [33.33% relevance]
| Geography, Anthropocene, pandemic, COVID-19, IGU, globalisation Can a pandemic stop or slow the
article/item/12590.html - 13.82 kB