Results 1 - 8 of 8 for Japan (0.0035 seconds)
Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan [100.00% relevance]
Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan Following the economic growth in Japan after … 66 Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan Naoharu Fujita Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. … 66, pp. 65-86 | Japan, urbanization, functional spatial units, … Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan, Naoharu Fujita, Geographia Polonica (1995) vol
article/item/7889.html - 13.21 kB
Internal migration in today's Japan [80.00% relevance]
Internal migration in today's Japan Studies of Japan's internal migration have developed over the … ) vol. 73, iss. 1 Internal migration in today's Japan Satoshi Nakagawa Geographia Polonica (2000) vol … area, longitudinal approach, cohort, Japan Internal migration in today's Japan, Satoshi
article/item/7797.html - 13.68 kB
Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan [60.00% relevance]
active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan A continuous variation of thermal energy, … active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan Anna Beata Adamczyk Geographia Polonica (2004) … active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan, Anna Beata Adamczyk, Geographia Polonica (2004
article/item/4183.html - 13.43 kB
The Characteristics of Agriculture in Japan and Approach to Agri-cultural Typology [60.00% relevance]
The Characteristics of Agriculture in Japan and Approach to Agri-cultural Typology … ) vol. 19 The Characteristics of Agriculture in Japan and Approach to Agri-cultural Typology Hyozo … 131-146 | The Characteristics of Agriculture in Japan and Approach to Agri-cultural Typology, Hyozo
article/item/8726.html - 11.83 kB
Spatial chain patterns of intra-urban migration [20.00% relevance]
vol. 69, pp. 135-152 | Spatial chain, migration, Japan, urban system Spatial chain patterns of intra-
article/item/7860.html - 13.37 kB
Local community activities for disaster reduction in regard to the 2011 tsunami [20.00% relevance]
social activities, sunami, disaster reduction, Japan Local community activities for disaster
article/item/9477.html - 13.4 kB
The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector [20.00% relevance]
overseas markets, Kyoto premium program, Kyoto, Japan The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto
article/item/8118.html - 13.58 kB
Geographical study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization [20.00% relevance]
system, sales system, information network, Japan Geographical study on changes in the spatial
article/item/7794.html - 13.16 kB