Results 1 - 3 of 3 for LANDSAT (0.0020 seconds)
Remote sensing of urban micro-climate with special reference to Urban Heat Island island using Landsat thermal data [100.00% relevance]
reference to Urban Heat Island island using Landsat thermal data Remote sensing studies have shown … reference to Urban Heat Island island using Landsat thermal data Ram Babu Singh, Aakriti Grover … -568 | land surface temperature, urbanisation, Landsat thermal data, surface urban heat island Remote … reference to Urban Heat Island island using Landsat thermal data, Ram Babu Singh, Aakriti Grover,
article/item/9532.html - 14.02 kB
Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992-2015 [25.00% relevance]
ventilation corridors, Warsaw, land use change, LANDSAT, SPOT Analysis of land use changes of urban
article/item/10540.html - 14.31 kB
Park in the periphery: Land use and land cover change and forest fragmentation in and around Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary, Manipur, India [25.00% relevance]
Wildlife Sanctuary (YLWLS) in Manipur, India. Landsat imageries at three points of … Geographia
article/item/12441.html - 14.79 kB