Results 1 - 3 of 3 for Little Poland (0.0301 seconds)
Prices of food products in Polish territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age [100.00% relevance]
as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age In the period between the two World Wars … as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age Henryk Maruszczak Geographia Polonica ( … ) vol. 63, pp. 119-130 | climatic oscillations, Little Ice Age, Polish territory, price indices Prices … as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age, Henryk Maruszczak, Geographia Polonica … World Wars studies of prices of food articles in Poland were carried out. The particular authors,
article/item/7936.html - 13.34 kB
Polish Economic Migrants In Ireland, 2004-2007 [60.00% relevance]
emigration, potential difference model, Ireland, Little Poland Polish Economic Migrants In Ireland, 2004 … In Ireland, 2004-2007 On the accession of Poland (and nine other states) to the European Union on … , potential difference model, Ireland, Little Poland Polish Economic Migrants In Ireland, 2004-2007,
article/item/7815.html - 14.13 kB
18th-20th Century Flood-Induced Changes In The Landscapes Of The Mała Wisła Valley Within The Oświęcimska Basin [40.00% relevance]
Oświęcimska Basin Shaping of the Mała Wisła (‘Little Vistula’) Valley allowed economic use to be made … Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 4, pp. 23-31 | Poland, Mała Wisła Valley, changes in landscapes, human
article/item/7821.html - 13.97 kB