Results 1 - 3 of 3 for North-East Poland (0.0886 seconds)
Functional polarization of Poland’s North-Eastern small towns in the light of R. Camagni’s concept of territorial competitiveness [100.00% relevance]
globalization and metropolitan development. In North-East Poland, the study area, they are at the same … territorial competitiveness, peripheral region, North-East Poland Functional polarization of Poland’s North … Functional polarization of Poland’s North-Eastern small towns in the light of R. … and metropolitan development. In North-East Poland, the study area, they are at the same time … 2022) vol. 95, iss. 4 Functional polarization of Poland’s North-Eastern small towns in the light of R. … competitiveness, peripheral region, North-East Poland Functional polarization of Poland’s North-
article/item/13448.html - 16.05 kB
Types of outwash forms in North-East Poland [85.71% relevance]
Types of outwash forms in North-East Poland Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 Types … of outwash forms in North-East Poland Mirosław Bogacki Geographia Polonica ( … ) vol. 43, pp. 25-34 | Types of outwash forms in North-East Poland, Mirosław Bogacki, Geographia Polonica ( … Types of outwash forms in North-East Poland Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 Types of … outwash forms in North-East Poland Mirosław Bogacki Geographia Polonica (1980) vol … pp. 25-34 | Types of outwash forms in North-East Poland, Mirosław Bogacki, Geographia Polonica (1980)
article/item/8298.html - 11.71 kB
Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland [85.71% relevance]
Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic … , iss. 1 Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic … Lowland Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic … and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of … and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of … and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of
article/item/6173.html - 14.4 kB