Results 1 - 7 of 7 for Pomerania (0.0017 seconds)
Formation of a new structure of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns [100.00% relevance]
socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns This paper … -sized cities in the coastal zone of Poland (Pomerania), using the cities of … Geographia Polonica ( … socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns Wioletta … , intra-urban space, medium-sized cities, Pomerania, Lębork, Szczecinek, Wałcz Formation of a new … socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns, Wioletta
article/item/8908.html - 13.82 kB
The role of habitat heterogenity in the relationships between soil properties and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland) [60.00% relevance]
and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland) The vastness of the research … and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland) Edyta Regulska, Ewa … and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland), Edyta Regulska, Ewa
article/item/10608.html - 14.59 kB
Evolution of the late-glacial drainage system in the NE part of Pomerania [60.00% relevance]
late-glacial drainage system in the NE part of Pomerania Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 20 Evolution of … late-glacial drainage system in the NE part of Pomerania Józef Sylwestrzak Geographia Polonica (1972) vol … late-glacial drainage system in the NE part of Pomerania, Józef Sylwestrzak, Geographia Polonica (1972)
article/item/8713.html - 11.79 kB
Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change [60.00% relevance]
specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change This paper examines … specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change Małgorzata Świątek, Szymon … specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change, Małgorzata Świątek,
article/item/13230.html - 14.53 kB
Regular green villages in Pomerania [60.00% relevance]
Regular green villages in Pomerania Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 38 Regular green … villages in Pomerania Halina Szulc Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 38 … , pp. 265-270 | Regular green villages in Pomerania, Halina Szulc, Geographia Polonica (1978) vol.
article/item/8416.html - 11.62 kB
Types and Stages of Déglaciation in Areas of the Odra Lobe in Western Pomerania [60.00% relevance]
in Areas of the Odra Lobe in Western Pomerania Geographia Polonica (1969) vol. 17 Types and … in Areas of the Odra Lobe in Western Pomerania Andrzej Karczewski Geographia Polonica (1969) … in Areas of the Odra Lobe in Western Pomerania, Andrzej Karczewski, Geographia Polonica (1969)
article/item/8765.html - 11.93 kB
Transport of suspended load in the Parsęta River during the flash flood of June 1988, Poland [20.00% relevance]
rainfall was recorded in the center of West Pomerania. It caused a flash flood in the catchment of the
article/item/7932.html - 14.89 kB