Results 1 - 9 of 9 for Russia (0.0056 seconds)
Who defines urban regeneration? Comparative analyses of medium-sized cities in Poland and Russia [100.00% relevance]
analyses of medium-sized cities in Poland and Russia The aim of the current study was to identify the … of medium-sized cities in Poland and Russia that share similar legacies but took … … analyses of medium-sized cities in Poland and Russia Przemysław Ciesiółka, Maria Gunko, Galina … , medium-sized cities, Eastern Europe, Poland, Russia Who defines urban regeneration? Comparative … analyses of medium-sized cities in Poland and Russia, Przemysław Ciesiółka, Maria Gunko, Galina
article/item/12499.html - 14.9 kB
Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) [100.00% relevance]
border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) The objective of the paper is to analyze the … development in the areas on both sides of all Russia’s land boundaries (more than 22,000 km … … border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) Vladimir Kolosov, Andrei Medvedev, Maria Zotova … mapping, assessment, socio-economic development, Russia Comparing the development of border regions with … the use of GIS (the case of Russia), Vladimir Kolosov, Andrei Medvedev, Maria
article/item/11203.html - 15.5 kB
Foreign economic relations and regional development in russia: continuity and change [80.00% relevance]
economic relations and regional development in russia: continuity and change During the Soviet period … economic relations and regional development in russia: continuity and change Michael J. Bradshaw … Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 2, pp. 9-30 | Russia, foreign economic relations, regional … economic relations and regional development in russia: continuity and change, Michael J. Bradshaw,
article/item/7617.html - 13.52 kB
The “CIS effects” of Russia’s forthcoming WTO accession [80.00% relevance]
The “CIS effects” of Russia’s forthcoming WTO accession The Russian … is strongly related to trade issues, because Russia plays an important … Geographia Polonica (2011) … vol. 84, iss. 2 The “CIS effects” of Russia’s forthcoming WTO accession Mizik Tamás … WTO, food safety, SPS, GOST The “CIS effects” of Russia’s forthcoming WTO accession, Mizik Tamás,
article/item/7621.html - 12.86 kB
The last of the Soviets’ Home: Urban demolition in Moscow [40.00% relevance]
the Khrushchev period in the Federation of Russia. Although this process has … Geographia Polonica … Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 1, pp. 37-56 | Russia, Moscow, demolition, Khrushchevki, Renovation,
article/item/11705.html - 14.33 kB
"Seasonal suburbanization" in Moscow oblast’: Challenges of household waste management [40.00% relevance]
homes used for recreation are widespread, in Russia they are located mainly in the suburbs. Our
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A vision for a future Europe according to a Russian map of 1914 [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 4, pp. 687-693 | Russia, World War One, political boundaries in Europe A
article/item/10327.html - 13.28 kB
The demographic status of and perspectives for the Russian Federation [20.00% relevance]
Federation. The demographic developments in Russia to date are first shown. In spite of two World
article/item/2597.html - 13.96 kB
Travel preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia [20.00% relevance]
special reference to the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Data were collected using paper-based and …
article/item/13147.html - 14.6 kB