Results 1 - 5 of 5 for South Poland (0.0396 seconds)
Differentiation in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie mapping [100.00% relevance]
in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie mapping … in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie mapping … in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie mapping, … Differentiation in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie … 20 Differentiation in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie … | Differentiation in hydrographie conditions of South Poland in the light of detailed hydrographie
article/item/8714.html - 12 kB
The influence of the vertical and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological units [100.00% relevance]
and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological units … and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological units … and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological units … and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological … and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological … and longitudinal climatic differences in South Poland upon the regional pattern of phenological
article/item/8303.html - 12.93 kB
The retreat of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) [100.00% relevance]
river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) The banks of the rivers dissecting the northern … river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) Kazimierz Klimek Geographia Polonica (1974) vol … river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland), Kazimierz Klimek, Geographia Polonica (1974) … of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) The banks of the rivers dissecting the … of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) Kazimierz Klimek Geographia Polonica ( … of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland), Kazimierz Klimek, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8606.html - 12.59 kB
The role of precipitation waters in decalcification of loesses in western Roztocze (The catchment area of the upper Sanna River) [33.33% relevance]
upper Sanna River) Considerable areas of south Poland are covered by loesses (Jahn 1950, 1956; … of the upper Sanna River) Considerable areas of south Poland are covered by loesses (Jahn 1950, 1956;
article/item/8106.html - 12.75 kB
Thermal characterization of winters in the 20th century in Krakow [33.33% relevance]
winters, extreme winters, air temperature, South Poland, Kraków Thermal characterization of winters in … -88 | winters, extreme winters, air temperature, South Poland, Kraków Thermal characterization of
article/item/7868.html - 13.98 kB