Results 1 - 13 of 13 for Tatra Mts. (0.0253 seconds)
Spatial modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia [100.00% relevance]
of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia The … significant and very dynamic process within the Tatra high-mountain landscape. Undoubtedly avalanche … of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia Martin … snow avalanche, GIS, run-out modelling, Western Tatra Mountains, Belianske Tatra Mountains Spatial … of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia, Martin … of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia The … of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia Martin … of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia, Martin
article/item/10465.html - 14.51 kB
Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland [60.00% relevance]
steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland This study presents the results of … large-area monitoring of steep slopes in the Tatra Mountains. In the research, we used terrestrial … steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland Bogdan Gądek, Joanna Kajdas, … change impact, terrestrial laser scanning, Tatra Mts. Contemporary degradation of steep rock … slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland, Bogdan Gądek, Joanna Kajdas, … rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland This study presents the results of the … rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland Bogdan Gądek, Joanna Kajdas, Klaudia … change impact, terrestrial laser scanning, Tatra Mts. Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes … in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland, Bogdan Gądek, Joanna Kajdas, Klaudia
article/item/13545.html - 15.06 kB
Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains [53.33% relevance]
Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Debris flows … slope processes in the high-mountainbelt of the Tatra Mountains, the Alps and other European mountain … . 2 Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Adam Kotarba … 137-150 | debris flows, extreme rainfall events, Tatra Mountains, European geomorphic hazards … Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains, Adam … Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Debris flows … Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains Adam Kotarba … Geomorphic activity of debris flows in the Tatra Mts and in other European mountains, Adam Kotarba,
article/item/5727.html - 13.52 kB
Lichenometric curve for the southern slope of the Tatra Mountains (Slovak Tatras) [40.00% relevance]
curve for the southern slope of the Tatra Mountains (Slovak Tatras) This paper presents … geographicum for the southern slope of the Tatra Mts (Slovak Tatras). The curve was developed … curve for the southern slope of the Tatra Mountains (Slovak Tatras) Stanisław Kędzia, … lichenometric dating, Rhizocarpon geographicum, Tatra Mountains Lichenometric curve for the southern … slope of the Tatra Mountains (Slovak Tatras), Stanisław Kędzia, … geographicum for the southern slope of the Tatra Mts (Slovak Tatras). The curve was developed based
article/item/12647.html - 14.68 kB
Morphogenetic wind action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts [40.00% relevance]
action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Morphogenetic … action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts Bogdana Izmaiłow Geographia Polonica (1986) vol … action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts, Bogdana Izmaiłow, Geographia Polonica (1986) … wind action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 … wind action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts Bogdana Izmaiłow Geographia Polonica (1986) … wind action in the high-mountain area of the Tatra Mts, Bogdana Izmaiłow, Geographia Polonica (1986
article/item/8134.html - 12.06 kB
Water balance in a high-mountain region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts [40.00% relevance]
region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Water … region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts Zofia Ziemońska Geographia Polonica (1964) … region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts, Zofia Ziemońska, Geographia Polonica (1964 … illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Water balance … illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts Zofia Ziemońska Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. … illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts, Zofia Ziemońska, Geographia Polonica (1964) vol
article/item/9060.html - 11.88 kB
On the effect of the preglacial relief on the course and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts [40.00% relevance]
and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 On the … and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Mieczysław Klimaszewski Geographia Polonica … and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts, Mieczysław Klimaszewski, Geographia … the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 On the effect … the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Mieczysław Klimaszewski Geographia Polonica ( … the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts, Mieczysław Klimaszewski, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/9049.html - 11.92 kB
Tors of the Chochołowska Valley (Western Tatra Mountains) [33.33% relevance]
stages, the Chochołowska Valley, the Tatra Mts., Poland Tors of the Chochołowska Valley ( … Tors of the Chochołowska Valley (Western Tatra Mountains) The paper contains the … iss. 1 Tors of the Chochołowska Valley (Western Tatra Mountains) Ewa Lubera Geographia Polonica (2011 … development stages, the Chochołowska Valley, the Tatra Mts., Poland Tors of the Chochołowska Valley ( … Western Tatra Mountains), Ewa Lubera, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/7626.html - 13.1 kB
Problems and possibilities of lichenometric dating in Polish mountains [26.67% relevance]
, pp. 363-374 | Rhizocarpon, lichenometry, Tatra Mts., Karkonosze Mts. Problems and possibilities of … Rhizocarpon spp in the Polish section of the Tatra and … Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 4 … iss. 4, pp. 363-374 | Rhizocarpon, lichenometry, Tatra Mts., Karkonosze Mts. Problems and possibilities
article/item/9351.html - 14.36 kB
Debris flow activity in the Slovak part of the High Tatras in the light of lichenometric dating [13.33% relevance]
| lichenometric dating, debris flow, High Tatra Mts. Debris flow activity in the Slovak part of the … 69-77 | lichenometric dating, debris flow, High Tatra Mts. Debris flow activity in the Slovak part of
article/item/13546.html - 14.71 kB
The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations [13.33% relevance]
cryospheric indicators of climate change, Tatra Mts. The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the Polish … , cryospheric indicators of climate change, Tatra Mts. The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the
article/item/7679.html - 13.46 kB
The influence of relief on microclimate and location of the upper tree-limit [13.33% relevance]
. 1, pp. 5-11 | relief, climate, tree-limit, the Tatra Mts. The influence of relief on microclimate and … . 5-11 | relief, climate, tree-limit, the Tatra Mts. The influence of relief on microclimate and
article/item/7205.html - 14.16 kB
Potential rockfalls in the periglacial zone of the Polish High Tatras: Extent and kinematics [13.33% relevance]
hazards cartography, RAMMS::Rockfall software, Tatra Mts. Potential rockfalls in the periglacial zone … cartography, RAMMS::Rockfall software, Tatra Mts. Potential rockfalls in the periglacial zone of
article/item/13925.html - 14.69 kB