Results 1 - 3 of 3 for Wieprza river (0.0126 seconds)
Overbank sediments along the middle Wieprza as a record of flood phenomena [100.00% relevance]
Overbank sediments along the middle Wieprza as a record of flood phenomena Today’s fl ood … events along the River Wieprza assume a quite characteristic course … . 83, iss. 1 Overbank sediments along the middle Wieprza as a record of flood phenomena Jacek Kaczmarzyk … , fl ood, fl oodplain, Medieval fortifi ed site, Wieprza river. Overbank sediments along the middle … flood phenomena Today’s fl ood events along the River Wieprza assume a quite characteristic course … , fl oodplain, Medieval fortifi ed site, Wieprza river. Overbank sediments along the middle Wieprza as
article/item/7656.html - 14.32 kB
Hydrotechnic structures on the Pomeranian rivers - a reaction to extreme hydrologic phenomena in the 19 century (in the example of the upper Wieprza) [85.71% relevance]
in the 19 century (in the example of the upper Wieprza) In the 19th century throughout Central Europe … in the 19 century (in the example of the upper Wieprza) Wacław Florek, Jolanta Jaromij, Magdalena … 83, iss. 1, pp. 25-37 | hydrotechnic structures, Wieprza river, fl ood, river bed response, reservoir, fl … in the 19 century (in the example of the upper Wieprza), Wacław Florek, Jolanta Jaromij, Magdalena … 1, pp. 25-37 | hydrotechnic structures, Wieprza river, fl ood, river bed response, reservoir, fl
article/item/7657.html - 15.14 kB
Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change [71.43% relevance]
Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate … ) vol. 95, iss. 1 Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate … , Southern Baltic coastlands, temporal trends in river runoff, climate change effects, water resource … depletion Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate … of the rivers Ina, Rega, Parsęta, Radew and Wieprza in the hydrological years 1981 through 2019. The
article/item/13230.html - 14.53 kB