Results 1 - 3 of 3 for World War II (0.0225 seconds)
Political and administrative boundaries of the German state in the 20th century [100.00% relevance]
, Potsdam Treaty, World War I, World War II Political and administrative boundaries of the … Peace Conference, Potsdam Treaty, World War I, World War II Political and administrative … , Versailles Peace Conference, Potsdam Treaty, World War I, World War II Political and administrative
article/item/11049.html - 14.03 kB
The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 [60.00% relevance]
-paced industrialization following World War II, reinforced previous processes and ge-nerated … quick-paced industrialization following World War II, reinforced previous processes and ge-nerated … her quick-paced industrialization following World War II, reinforced previous processes and ge-
article/item/8440.html - 13.19 kB
The Curzon line as the eastern boundary of Poland. The origins and the political background [60.00% relevance]
of Poland, political boundary, World War II, historical geography The Curzon line as the … , boundary of Poland, political boundary, World War II, historical geography The Curzon line as the … Line, boundary of Poland, political boundary, World War II, historical geography The Curzon line as
article/item/7563.html - 14.18 kB