Results 1 - 26 of 26 for air temperature (0.0044 seconds)
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 [100.00% relevance]
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 Use was … made of the longest-existing series of air temperature observations from Central Europe, specifically … Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 Janina … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 43-52 | long air temperature series, mean annual air temperature, variability … , periodicity Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995, Janina … Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792- … Use was made of the longest-existing series of air temperature observations from Central Europe, … Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792- … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 43-52 | long air temperature series, mean annual air temperature … , variability, periodicity Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-
article/item/7844.html - 13.73 kB
Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe [91.67% relevance]
Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe The aim of this paper is … to report extreme winter/early-spring air temperature (hereinafter temperature) anomalies in mid- … vol. 74, iss. 2 Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe J. Otterman, J. Ardizzone … ) vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 57-67 | anomalies of air temperature in Europe, maritime-air advection, climatic … fluctuations Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe, J. Otterman, J. … Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe The aim of … paper is to report extreme winter/early-spring air temperature (hereinafter temperature) anomalies … ) vol. 74, iss. 2 Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe J. Otterman, … 2001) vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 57-67 | anomalies of air temperature in Europe, maritime-air advection, … fluctuations Extreme anomalies of winter air temperature in mid-latitude Europe, J. Otterman
article/item/7774.html - 16.34 kB
Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland [83.33% relevance]
Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland The aim of the paper is to … the trends of sunshine duration (SDU) and air temperature in Poland, which may help understand the … Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland Dorota Matuszko, Krzysztof Bartoszek, … warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air temperature, trends, Poland Relationships between sunshine … duration and air temperature in Poland, Dorota Matuszko, Krzysztof Bartoszek … Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland The aim of the paper is to … the trends of sunshine duration (SDU) and air temperature in Poland, which may help understand … . 3 Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland Dorota Matuszko, Krzysztof … warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air temperature, trends, Poland Relationships … between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland, Dorota Matuszko,
article/item/13323.html - 16.83 kB
Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland [83.33% relevance]
Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to … , Poland This paper analyses the changes of temperature at the ground-level and the temperature and … Geographia Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 2 Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to … , isobaric surface, atmospheric circulation, air temperature, Central Europe lowland Air temperature and … … Geographia Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 2 Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in … data, isobaric surface, atmospheric circulation, air temperature, Central Europe lowland Air
article/item/11744.html - 14.99 kB
Relationships between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature [83.33% relevance]
between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature The work described in this paper … aimed at determining the relationship between air temperature, cloudiness and precipitation, based … between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature Dorota Matuszko, Robert Twardosz, … , iss. 1, pp. 9-17 | cloudiness, precipitation, air temperature, Cracow, Poland Relationships … between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature, Dorota Matuszko, Robert Twardosz, … between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature The work described in this paper aimed at … determining the relationship between air temperature, cloudiness and precipitation, based on the … between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature Dorota Matuszko, Robert Twardosz, Katarzyna … . 1, pp. 9-17 | cloudiness, precipitation, air temperature, Cracow, Poland Relationships between cloudiness … , precipitation and air temperature, Dorota Matuszko, Robert Twardosz, Katarzyna
article/item/7614.html - 14.99 kB
Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan [66.67% relevance]
Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan A continuous … variation of thermal energy, presented as air temperature, is registered by a ground-based network. … ) vol. 77, iss. 1 Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan Anna Beata Adamczyk … Polonica (2004) vol. 77, iss. 1, pp. 77-87 | air temperature, surface temperature, satellite data, type of … land cover Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan, Anna Beata Adamczyk … variation of thermal energy, presented as air temperature, is registered by a ground-based … Polonica (2004) vol. 77, iss. 1, pp. 77-87 | air temperature, surface temperature, satellite data
article/item/4183.html - 13.43 kB
Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland [66.67% relevance]
Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland The principal aim of the present study … occurring in the area of Poland between air temperature and geographical and meteorological … Geographia … (1975) vol. 31 Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland Maria Stopa-Boryczka Geographia … 31, pp. 189-212 | Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland, Maria Stopa-Boryczka, Geographia … Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland The principal aim of the … -tions occurring in the area of Poland between air temperature and geographical and meteorological … (1975) vol. 31 Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland Maria Stopa-Boryczka … vol. 31, pp. 189-212 | Geographical gradients of air temperature in Poland, Maria Stopa-Boryczka,
article/item/8552.html - 12.3 kB
The influence of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the occurrence of very strong and extreme cold stress in Poland in winter months [66.67% relevance]
The influence of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the occurrence of … (2021) vol. 94, iss. 2 The influence of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the occurrence of … The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), air temperature, canonical correlation The influence of air … The influence of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the … Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 2 The influence of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the … , The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), air temperature, canonical correlation The influence … of air temperature diversity in Central Europe on the
article/item/12951.html - 14.77 kB
20th-century variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains [66.67% relevance]
variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains The work … of research on the variability to the 24-hour air-temperature maxima, minima and amplitudes noted … variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains Bronisław … ) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 111-116 | variability of air temperature, climate change, Mann-Kendall test, … variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains, Bronisław … variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains The work presents the … research on the variability to the 24-hour air-temperature maxima, minima and amplitudes noted in the … variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains Bronisław Głowicki … . 73, iss. 2, pp. 111-116 | variability of air temperature, climate change, Mann-Kendall test, Sudetic … variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains,
article/item/7789.html - 13.6 kB
The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic conditions [50.00% relevance]
The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic … 1980) vol. 43 The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic … , pp. 35-48 | The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic … The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso- … (1980) vol. 43 The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso- … . 43, pp. 35-48 | The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-
article/item/8299.html - 12.53 kB
Synoptic - climatic structure of the extreme air thermal phenomena in Poland [50.00% relevance]
Synoptic - climatic structure of the extreme air thermal phenomena in Poland The influence of … . 2 Synoptic - climatic structure of the extreme air thermal phenomena in Poland Zbigniew Ustrnul … Synoptic - climatic structure of the extreme air thermal phenomena in Poland, Zbigniew Ustrnul, … in Poland is being analysed. Maximum and minimum temperature values have been collected from 19 … . 73, iss. 2, pp. 99-110 | maximum and minimum temperature, extreme temperature values, atmos-pheric
article/item/7788.html - 13.56 kB
Assessment of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland [50.00% relevance]
index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland … index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland … index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland, … index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland Climatic … index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland Krzysztof … index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland, Krzysztof
article/item/7772.html - 14.51 kB
Effects of regional and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series [50.00% relevance]
and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series Contemporary climatic changes occur on … and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa Geographia … and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series, Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa, Geographia … and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series Contemporary climatic changes … and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa … and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series, Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa,
article/item/7866.html - 13.38 kB
Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin [41.67% relevance]
Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … The temperature of shallow groundwater is markedly affected by … air temperature,the height of water table and its changes … (1988) vol. 53 Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … , pp. 115-128 | Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … of shallow groundwater is markedly affected by air temperature,the height of water table and its
article/item/8107.html - 14.17 kB
Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland [33.33% relevance]
the annual rhythms for atmospheric pressure, air temperature and precipitation in Poland in the 19th and 20th … 2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 7-24 | changes in air temperature and precipitation Trends to changes in seasonal … in the annual rhythms for atmospheric pressure, air temperature and precipitation in Poland in the … (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 7-24 | changes in air temperature and precipitation Trends to changes
article/item/7781.html - 15.02 kB
Generation of time series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions [33.33% relevance]
conditions The authors discuss the average air temperature and mean precipitation amounts in long-term and … , GISS); generation of meteorological data (air temperature, precipitation); Markov chains application … conditions The authors discuss the average air temperature and mean precipitation amounts in … GFDL, GISS); generation of meteorological data (air temperature, precipitation); Markov chains
article/item/7938.html - 13.79 kB
Thermal characterization of winters in the 20th century in Krakow [33.33% relevance]
Krakow Based on Krakow's measurement series of air temperature in the 20th century an attempt was … ) vol. 67, pp. 77-88 | winters, extreme winters, air temperature, South Poland, Kraków Thermal … Based on Krakow's measurement series of air temperature in the 20th century an attempt was made to … . 67, pp. 77-88 | winters, extreme winters, air temperature, South Poland, Kraków Thermal characterization
article/item/7868.html - 13.98 kB
Thermal regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay [33.33% relevance]
. 96, iss. 4, pp. 459-471 | water temperature, air temperature, remote sensing, coastal zone, the … River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay Surface water temperature characteristics of the Vistula River mouth and … (2023) vol. 96, iss. 4, pp. 459-471 | water temperature, air temperature, remote sensing, coastal zone,
article/item/13811.html - 14.21 kB
Thermal stress in selected mountain system in Central and Eastern Europe – initial research based on UTCI characteristics [25.00% relevance]
features of local climates (by modification of air circulation, insolation, air temperature, … modification of air circulation, insolation, air temperature, precipitation, wind regime) and greatly affect
article/item/12949.html - 16.85 kB
Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland [16.67% relevance]
7-22 | climate change, circulation indices, air temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation, long-term … pp. 7-22 | climate change, circulation indices, air temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation,
article/item/7937.html - 14.8 kB
The attempt to validate the applicability of two climate models for the evaluation of heat wave related mortality in Warsaw in the 21st century [16.67% relevance]
-311 | climate models, heat waves, modelled air temperature, mortality, Poland The attempt to validate the … . 295-311 | climate models, heat waves, modelled air temperature, mortality, Poland The attempt to
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Reflections on climate variability within selected monthly mean time series in Libya and neighboring countries [16.67% relevance]
and change. The data are the mean monthly air temperature, precipitation and … Geographia … and change. The data are the mean monthly air temperature, precipitation and … Geographia Polonica (1995)
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Thermal Differentiation of Winters in the Carpathian Mountains Altitudinal Profile during the Period 1961/62-1990/91 [16.67% relevance]
Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 89-100 | winter, air temperature, Carpathian Mountains, climatic … (1997) vol. 70, pp. 89-100 | winter, air temperature, Carpathian Mountains, climatic vertical zones
article/item/7848.html - 14.19 kB
Analysis of results of glo-bal climate models for Central Europe and Poland [16.67% relevance]
climate simulations, general circulation models, air temperature, precipitation, wind Analysis of … simulations, general circulation models, air temperature, precipitation, wind Analysis of results of glo-
article/item/7785.html - 13.4 kB
Climatic and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 concentration [16.67% relevance]
scenario, sea level, wave height, wind, air temperature, salinity, Baltic Sea, Polish coast Climatic and … climatic scenario, sea level, wave height, wind, air temperature, salinity, Baltic Sea, Polish coast
article/item/7787.html - 13.94 kB
Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea [16.67% relevance]
part of the Black Sea, river runoff, air temperature Long-term changes in water level of … part of the Black Sea, river runoff, air temperature Long-term changes in water level of the
article/item/14121.html - 15.23 kB