Results 1 - 4 of 4 for aspect (0.0022 seconds)
Aspect géographique de l'île de Hvar. Une contribution à la connaissance de la valorisation des îles adriatiques [100.00% relevance]
adriatiques Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 Aspect géographique de l'île de Hvar. Une contribution … Polonica (1977) vol. 36, pp. 193-202 | Aspect géographique de l'île de Hvar. Une contribution
article/item/8465.html - 11.96 kB
Evaluation of taxonomic methods from the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect [100.00% relevance]
of results in space and time — in optimization aspect Geographia Polonica (1979) vol. 40 Evaluation of … of results in space and time — in optimization aspect Krystyna Bielecka, Mirosław Paprzycki Geographia … of results in space and time — in optimization aspect, Krystyna Bielecka, Mirosław Paprzycki,
article/item/8357.html - 12.5 kB
Tors of the Chochołowska Valley (Western Tatra Mountains) [33.33% relevance]
geological structure, morphological location, aspect, morphometries, … Geographia Polonica (2011) vol
article/item/7626.html - 13.1 kB
Relief of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
fan, geomorphometry, relative height, slope, aspect, Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians
article/item/14120.html - 15.71 kB