Results 1 - 8 of 8 for atmosphere (0.0037 seconds)
Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment [100.00% relevance]
Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an … of the environment Energy' exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground is an objectof … (1986) vol. 52 Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an … vol. 52, pp. 11-18 | Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an
article/item/8128.html - 13.81 kB
Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow [50.00% relevance]
in Cracow Radioactivity of several components of atmosphere in Cracow is measured continuously or … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 62, pp. 73-80 | atmosphere, radioactive components, measurement, tritium,
article/item/7941.html - 13.15 kB
Joint implementation projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: prospects for Poland [25.00% relevance]
about the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the potential ramifications for a net
article/item/7903.html - 14.24 kB
Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland [25.00% relevance]
sensibility of human body, transparence of atmosphere Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and
article/item/7937.html - 14.8 kB
Variation of the total hydrocarbon (THC) concentration in the air over the Eastern part of the Gdańsk agglomeration [25.00% relevance]
total hydrocarbon concentrations (THC) in the atmosphere where THC denotes the sum of … Geographia
article/item/7869.html - 13.81 kB
Analysis of results of glo-bal climate models for Central Europe and Poland [25.00% relevance]
of climate simulations by the ocean and atmosphere general circulation models from the IPCC DDC for
article/item/7785.html - 13.4 kB
Physical principles of climate mathematical modelling [25.00% relevance]
five major interactive adjoint components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the oceanosphere, the
article/item/7826.html - 14.23 kB
Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry [25.00% relevance]
climate changes for agriculture and forestry The atmosphere exchanges heat, moisture and momentum with other
article/item/7801.html - 13.24 kB