Results 1 - 3 of 3 for availability (0.0018 seconds)
The first medium-scale topographic map of Galicia (1779-1783) – survey, availability and importance [100.00% relevance]
topographic map of Galicia (1779-1783) – survey, availability and importance Known in Poland as the “Mieg Map … topographic map of Galicia (1779-1783) – survey, availability and importance Paweł Prokop Geographia Polonica … topographic map of Galicia (1779-1783) – survey, availability and importance, Paweł Prokop, Geographia
article/item/10885.html - 13.42 kB
Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and their accessibility in urban space [33.33% relevance]
. 3, pp. 5-22 | disability, healthcare travel, availability, accessibility, urban space, principal component
article/item/7602.html - 14.44 kB
Cluster analysis and large data sets: a case study of farming systems in France [33.33% relevance]
of farming systems in France With the increasing availability of large, spatially-indexed data banks and the
article/item/8037.html - 13.68 kB