Results 1 - 1 of 1 for climate danger (0.0127 seconds)
Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains during the past nine decades [100.00% relevance]
Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains during the past nine … recognise the variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains, the danger levels on … . 89, iss. 1 Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains during the past nine … , iss. 1, pp. 65-77 | snow avalanche, avalanche danger, climate danger, the Tatra Mountains Variability … of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains during the past nine … 1, pp. 65-77 | snow avalanche, avalanche danger, climate danger, the Tatra Mountains Variability of the
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