Results 1 - 3 of 3 for corporate headquarters (0.0038 seconds)
Economic control functions in Poland in 2013 [100.00% relevance]
and the spatial distribution of the corporate headquarters of the 2000 largest companies registered in … … of revenues and the spatial distribution of the corporate headquarters of the 2000 largest companies … , iss. 4, pp. 701-708 | geography of enterprise, corporate geography, control function, decision function,
article/item/10329.html - 13.55 kB
Changes in the command and control potential of European cities in 2006-2016 [66.67% relevance]
, transnational corporation, gravity, corporate headquarters, cities, Europe Changes in the command and … function, transnational corporation, gravity, corporate headquarters, cities, Europe Changes in the
article/item/11805.html - 15.66 kB
Control functions within large cities and foreign direct investment in the transport sector: Empirical evidence from Poland [66.67% relevance]
| transport, FDI, control functions, corporate headquarters, large cities, Poland Control functions within … pp. 557-573 | transport, FDI, control functions, corporate headquarters, large cities, Poland Control
article/item/10321.html - 14.88 kB