Results 1 - 5 of 5 for determinants (0.0019 seconds)
Land acquisition and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A comparison of the Polish legal framework with its German counterpart [100.00% relevance]
and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A … and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A … and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A
article/item/11411.html - 14.42 kB
Universal Thermal Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants [100.00% relevance]
Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants In Lesko and Lublin, Poland, from 1981 to 2005, … Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants Marek Nowosad, Beata Rodzik, Sylwester Wereski, … Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants, Marek Nowosad, Beata Rodzik, Sylwester Wereski
article/item/7726.html - 14.71 kB
Spatial concentration of foreign owned entities in Poland [33.33% relevance]
, cities, foreign direct investment, FDI, determinants, spatial autocorrelation Spatial concentration
article/item/11604.html - 14.52 kB
Major disputes on the methods of calculating local expenditure needs. A case study for large German cities [33.33% relevance]
needs, Germany, large cities, socio-economic determinants for urban development Major disputes on the
article/item/7795.html - 13.4 kB
Trends in changes of living standards in Poland, 1960-1981. An attempt at defining regional disparities [33.33% relevance]
we understand a vast complex of problems,such as determinants of living conditions, favoured models of
article/item/8149.html - 14.17 kB