Results 1 - 2 of 2 for disintegration (0.0038 seconds)
Regeneration and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-Canyamelar in Valencia [100.00% relevance]
Regeneration and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal- … Canyamelar in Valencia Disintegration of urban space is the opposite of its … 92, iss. 1 Regeneration and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal- … Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 1, pp. 121-139 | disintegration of urban space, dysfunctionality, regeneration, … , Valencia Regeneration and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-
article/item/11710.html - 14.57 kB
Will geography remain geography? Pondering the state of geography [40.00% relevance]
For decades, we have been witnessing a gradual disintegration of geography. The issue was first flagged at the … . 2, pp. 251-265 | geography, Polish geography, disintegration, history of geography, Poland Will geography
article/item/9446.html - 13.33 kB