Results 1 - 5 of 5 for distance (0.0075 seconds)
The impact of COVID-19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance learning [100.00% relevance]
19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance learning The spread of COVID-19 all over the … 19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance learning Adam Hibszer, Mariola Tracz Geographia … 19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance learning, Adam Hibszer, Mariola Tracz,
article/item/12991.html - 14.5 kB
Distance from water — an index of the density of a hydrographical network [100.00% relevance]
network Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13 Distance from water — an index of the density of a … Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13, pp. 79-90 | Distance from water — an index of the density of a
article/item/8849.html - 11.8 kB
The impact of population potential on population redistribution in the long-term historical context: Case study of region Stredné Považie, Slovak Republic [33.33% relevance]
, region Stredné Považie, accessibility, distance The impact of population potential on population
article/item/10712.html - 14.11 kB
The Significance of Trees and Coarse Woody Debris in Shaping the Debris Flow Accumulation Zone (North Slope of the Babia Gora Massif, Poland) [33.33% relevance]
Góra. The deposition zone stretched across a distance of 280m … Geographia Polonica (2007) vol. 80,
article/item/7702.html - 14.31 kB
Spatial growth of urbanised land within the Warsaw Metropolitan Area in the first decade of the 21st century [33.33% relevance]
, as well as todetermine the impact of the distance from the city center … Geographia Polonica (2012
article/item/7570.html - 14.25 kB