Results 1 - 2 of 2 for district scale (0.0066 seconds)
Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary [100.00% relevance]
| climate change, climate adaptation, district scale, Budapest, Hungary Adaptation to climate change … Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary Hungary’s … vol. 96, iss. 2 Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary Bettina … . 221-237 | climate change, climate adaptation, district scale, Budapest, Hungary Adaptation to climate … change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary, Bettina
article/item/13587.html - 14.79 kB
Perception of the (post-)socialist mass housing in Kyiv by the student youth [40.00% relevance]
-scale housing estates, mental maps, vernacular district, perceptual portrait, imageability, Kyiv … portraits of the (post-)socialist large scale housing estates in Kyiv in the eyes of young … 96, iss. 2, pp. 199-220 | (post-)socialist large-scale housing estates, mental maps, vernacular
article/item/13586.html - 15.36 kB