Results 1 - 4 of 4 for economic crisis (0.0100 seconds)
Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions [100.00% relevance]
Poland and certain European regions The study of economic resilience represents a relatively new subject … … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4 Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4, pp. 457-471 | economic resilience, evolutionary approach, agency … perspective, economic crisis, Poland, European regions, Pomorskie … region Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain … approach, agency perspective, economic crisis, Poland, European regions, Pomorskie region
article/item/10713.html - 13.87 kB
Estimating the short-term economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A regional perspective [85.71% relevance]
: A regional perspective Given the economic crisis related to the current COVID-19 pandemic, … Estimating the short-term economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A regional … perspective Given the economic crisis related to the current COVID-19 pandemic … 2021) vol. 94, iss. 3 Estimating the short-term economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A regional … . 94, iss. 3, pp. 441-457 | COVID-19 pandemic, economic effects, regional specialisation, vulnerability … index, Romania Estimating the short-term economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A regional
article/item/12995.html - 14.89 kB
The enduring connection between gender, migration and household services [28.57% relevance]
367-382 | migration, gender, household services, economic crisis, Southern Europe, Spain The enduring … migration, gender, household services, economic crisis, Southern Europe, Spain The enduring connection
article/item/9447.html - 13.49 kB
Some aspects of recent improvements in the productivity of private agriculture in Poland [28.57% relevance]
of agricultural productivity in Poland after the economic crisis at the end of the 1970s. This improvement … productivity in Poland after the economic crisis at the end of the 1970s. This improvement has
article/item/8045.html - 13.63 kB