Results 1 - 12 of 12 for education (0.0115 seconds)
Towards an international approach for geography education [100.00% relevance]
Towards an international approach for geography education ‘Geography education is indispensable to the … Towards an international approach for geography education Joop Van der Schee, John Lidstone, Clare Brooks … (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 213-220 | geography education, children´s geographies, Rome declaration, … research in geographical education, international co-operation Towards an … international approach for geography education, Joop Van der Schee, John Lidstone, Clare Brooks
article/item/9448.html - 14.15 kB
The impact of COVID-19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance learning [83.33% relevance]
The impact of COVID-19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance … major changes in the organization of the education in many countries. Governments have adopted … 2021) vol. 94, iss. 3 The impact of COVID-19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance … 94, iss. 3, pp. 397-411 | COVID-19 risk impact, education, e-learning, school, Poland The impact of COVID- … 19 on education in Poland: Challenges related to distance
article/item/12991.html - 14.5 kB
Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the 1990s [83.33% relevance]
Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the … the quantitative development of higher education in Poland in the 1990s and the distribution of … Polonica (2002) vol. 75, iss. 1 Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the … (2002) vol. 75, iss. 1, pp. 85-108 | higher education, state and private schools, locational trends, … of a higher school upon a city, Poland Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the
article/item/3412.html - 13.47 kB
The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition [83.33% relevance]
The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition The objective … of recent university geography graduates from education to … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 … The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition Danuta Piróg … -236 | competences, graduate, geography, higher education, labour market, transition The role of … competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition, Danuta Piróg,
article/item/10510.html - 14.07 kB
The use of mental maps in the assessment of geographic knowledge: Form and content of map sketches drawn by last year Primary Education students in the Balearic Islands (Spain) [66.67% relevance]
of map sketches drawn by last year Primary Education students in the Balearic Islands (Spain) This … among school students from 17 primary education schools. The study … Geographia Polonica (2023) … of map sketches drawn by last year Primary Education students in the Balearic Islands (Spain) Jaume … of map sketches drawn by last year Primary Education students in the Balearic Islands (Spain), Jaume
article/item/13590.html - 15.01 kB
Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad [66.67% relevance]
challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad Geography … challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad Lex … 2, pp. 267-276 | young geographers, geographical education, International Geography Olympiad, Cracow, … challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad, Lex
article/item/9445.html - 14.45 kB
Education of students of the Polish universities in the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus [66.67% relevance]
by … Geographia Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 3 Education of students of the Polish universities in the … Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 3, pp. 413-427 | education, students, Poland, COVID-19, e-learning
article/item/12993.html - 15.24 kB
Can the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change? [66.67% relevance]
Can the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to … iss. 4 Can the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to … , serious game, nature-based solutions, education for sustainable development, city adaptation Can … the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to
article/item/14122.html - 16.04 kB
Differentiation in structure of education of urban population in Poland [50.00% relevance]
Differentiation in structure of education of urban population in Poland Geographia … (1981) vol. 44 Differentiation in structure of education of urban population in Poland Witold Kusiński … , pp. 251-265 | Differentiation in structure of education of urban population in Poland, Witold Kusiński,
article/item/8296.html - 11.78 kB
Future geography graduates - how much their degree matters? Student expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia [33.33% relevance]
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Higher education has been perceived as a value, necessary for the … (2017) vol. 90, iss. 2, pp. 111-122 | higher education, university, geography, professional carrier,
article/item/10921.html - 14.71 kB
Poles in the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) [16.67% relevance]
) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 309-316 | geographical education, iGeo, International Geographical Union,
article/item/9444.html - 15.31 kB
Territorial disparities between mountains and lowlands in Greece in the context of post-2020 Cohesion Policy [16.67% relevance]
Policy, mountain regions, demographic changes, education, employment, Greece Territorial disparities
article/item/12575.html - 15.43 kB