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Polish presidential electionof 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns [100.00% relevance]
as one of the most impor-tant factors shaping electoral behaviour. The effect of this factor has also … iss. 2, pp. 93-113 | big and medium-sized towns, electoral types of towns, Poland Polish presidential … Polish presidential electionof 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized … on the subject, urbanisation is regarded as one of the most impor-tant factors shaping electoral … behaviour. The effect of this factor has also been corroborated … … . 2 Polish presidential electionof 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized … | big and medium-sized towns, electoral types of towns, Poland Polish presidential electionof … 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns, Roman … of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns In the literature on the subject, urbanisation … of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns Roman Matykowski, Katarzyna Kulczyńska … . 84, iss. 2, pp. 93-113 | big and medium-sized towns, electoral
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