Results 1 - 10 of 10 for expansion (0.0016 seconds)
Types and forms of the medieval settlement expansion process in tht central parts of the south of the Eastern Alps [100.00% relevance]
Types and forms of the medieval settlement expansion process in tht central parts of the south of the … to be a regionin which the medieval settlement expansion process in general — and that ofthe High Middle … . 38 Types and forms of the medieval settlement expansion process in tht central parts of the south of the … -30 | Types and forms of the medieval settlement expansion process in tht central parts of the south of the
article/item/8386.html - 13.74 kB
The application of Fourier expansion in estimating the annual variation to the vertical gradient of some meteorological parameters [100.00% relevance]
The application of Fourier expansion in estimating the annual variation to the … 2000) vol. 73, iss. 1 The application of Fourier expansion in estimating the annual variation to the … (2000) vol. 73, iss. 1, pp. 141-152 | Fourier expansion, vertical gradient, annual variation The … application of Fourier expansion in estimating the annual variation to the
article/item/7798.html - 14.28 kB
The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector [75.00% relevance]
The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s … Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 2 The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s … markets, Kyoto premium program, Kyoto, Japan The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s
article/item/8118.html - 13.58 kB
The anticipation of urban expansion [75.00% relevance]
The anticipation of urban expansion Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28 The … anticipation of urban expansion Christopher R. Bryant Geographia Polonica (1974 … vol. 28, pp. 93-116 | The anticipation of urban expansion, Christopher R. Bryant, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8609.html - 11.61 kB
The spatial formation of the Brazilian economy: historical overview and future trends [25.00% relevance]
| Brazil regional inequality, economic growth, expansion cycle, analysis of outlined tendencies The
article/item/7811.html - 13.87 kB
Durability of forest cover in the Ochotnica Valley (Gorce Mts.) and in the Solinka Valley (Bieszczady Mts.) in the 18th-21st centuries [25.00% relevance]
are increasing their range mainly due to the expansion in former agricultural areas. In this study
article/item/12439.html - 15.22 kB
The interdependence between suburban enclaves and the road network in the development process: a case study in Poland [25.00% relevance]
41-57 | urban sprawl, transportation, land use, expansion, development, spatial conflicts The
article/item/10923.html - 14.01 kB
Patterns in the evolution of German green villages [25.00% relevance]
evolution of German green villages The eastward expansion of fully-fiedged feudalism obtained itsrequisite
article/item/8404.html - 12.23 kB
Review of selected esthetical and economical landscape valorisation methods and assessments [25.00% relevance]
major changes to landscape, as a result of the expansion of settlements, and other activities. The need
article/item/13232.html - 14.42 kB
The role and importance of Promotion Centers in creating the image of tourist destination: Romania [25.00% relevance]
the image of tourist destination: Romania The expansion of tourism at regional and global levels
article/item/11847.html - 15.82 kB