Results 1 - 12 of 12 for global changes (0.0150 seconds)
Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner valley system, Central Poland [100.00% relevance]
Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner … distinguishing between global factors and local changes in … Geographia Polonica (2011) vol. 84, iss. … Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner … , fluvial deposits, local factors, global changes, Younger Dryas, central Poland Local evidence of … landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner … Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the … asking about criteria for distinguishing between global factors and local changes in … Geographia … Part 1 Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the … evolution, fluvial deposits, local factors, global changes, Younger Dryas, central Poland Local … evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes - A case of Younger Dryas study in the
article/item/7638.html - 14.31 kB
Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry [60.00% relevance]
models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry The atmosphere … models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry Bogumił Jakubiak … models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry, Bogumił Jakubiak, … Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted … climate system components Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted
article/item/7801.html - 13.24 kB
Impacts of fluvial land form evolution and global change in urban environments [50.00% relevance]
urban geomorphology, palimpsest, urban channel changes, urban management methods, global change Impacts … Impacts of fluvial land form evolution and global change in urban environments Understanding of … 2 Impacts of fluvial land form evolution and global change in urban environments Kenneth John … urban channel changes, urban management methods, global change Impacts of fluvial land form evolution … and global change in urban environments, Kenneth John
article/item/7643.html - 13.49 kB
Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in Poland [50.00% relevance]
is a high-energy part of sunlight. Simultaneous changes in global radiation have been observed … UV … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible … , UVI, skin cancer, Poland, climate change Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible … energy part of sunlight. Simultaneous changes in global radiation have been observed duringrecent
article/item/7601.html - 14.14 kB
Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad [40.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2 Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical … , International Year of Global Understanding Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical … Geographical Union, International Year of Global Understanding Changes, challenges and
article/item/9445.html - 14.45 kB
Assessment of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating the impacts of greenhouse gases) [40.00% relevance]
(deforestation, bad harvest), are affected by changes in climate (change of natural range of forest … … of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating … of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating … of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating
article/item/7802.html - 14.79 kB
Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds and pests? [40.00% relevance]
Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … effect, pests, weeds, pathogens. Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … ) vol. 72, iss. 2, pp. 99-110 | Climate change, global warming, plant protection, greenhouse effect,
article/item/7805.html - 13.39 kB
Effects of regional and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series [30.00% relevance]
air temperature series Contemporary climatic changes occur on global, regional and local scales. On … each of these, changes are shaped by a set of various climatic controls … series Contemporary climatic changes occur on global, regional and local scales. On each of these,
article/item/7866.html - 13.38 kB
Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland [20.00% relevance]
of Polish climatologists dealing with climate changes. Some results of the studies carried out by A. … (1996) vol. 67, pp. 39-58 | climatic change, global warming, climate forecasts, climatic cycles,
article/item/7865.html - 14.32 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [20.00% relevance]
-62 | climate, monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate change … , monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate change in
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Temperature and nutrient dynamics in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems [20.00% relevance]
pp. 79-92 | eutrophic ecosystem, global climate changes impact, nutrient dynamics Temperature and … 1998) vol. 71, pp. 79-92 | eutrophic ecosystem, global climate changes impact, nutrient dynamics
article/item/7833.html - 14.91 kB
Sea-level rise and geomorphological mapping [20.00% relevance]
rise, as a consequence ofman-induced climatic changes, will affect our planet not only on a regional … our planet not only on a regional but also ona global … Geographia Polonica (1990) vol. 58 Sea-level
article/item/8029.html - 12.51 kB