Results 1 - 5 of 5 for governance (0.0162 seconds)
Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The cases of Croatia-Slavonia and Austrian Galicia (1867-1918) [100.00% relevance]
Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro- … is still no consensus on the definition of urban governance, which can be attributed to gaps in its … Geographia Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 1 Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro- … (2024) vol. 97, iss. 1, pp. 23-46 | urban governance, territorial autonomy, metagovernance, … Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-
article/item/13859.html - 15.02 kB
Governance, territory and housing – International Conference of the European Network for Housing Research 2016 Belfast, Northern Ireland, 28 June – 1 July [60.00% relevance]
July Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4 Governance, territory and housing – International … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4, pp. 563-565 | Governance, territory and housing – International
article/item/10707.html - 12.43 kB
Urban networking: trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region [20.00% relevance]
, regionalization, interationalization, urban governance, organizing capacity Urban networking: trends
article/item/7759.html - 13.54 kB
Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers [20.00% relevance]
economic linkages, regional institutions, governance, system, and Berlin-Branden-burg. Restructuring
article/item/7720.html - 14.46 kB
Place is no man's land [20.00% relevance]
legitimacy, place based approach, place governance, territorial representation, Barca report,
article/item/9487.html - 13.5 kB