Results 1 - 3 of 3 for grazing (0.0015 seconds)
The timberline as result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians [100.00% relevance]
| timberline, Carpathians, the Babia Góra Mt., grazing, spatial and temporal dynamics of timberline The
article/item/9982.html - 18.55 kB
Economic use of the Babia Góra Massif and the assessment of anthropogenic changes in the course of the timberline [100.00% relevance]
iss. 2, pp. 115-138 | economic use of mountains, grazing, forestry, timberline, Babia Góra Mt., Poland,
article/item/9978.html - 14.77 kB
Pasture landscape durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland) [100.00% relevance]
management, agricultural abandonment, mountain grazing, rangeland pastures, rangeland management •
article/item/11336.html - 14.13 kB