Results 1 - 17 of 17 for human impact (0.0156 seconds)
Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain valleys, The Sudetes [100.00% relevance]
Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain … (2003) vol. 76, iss. 2 Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain … vol. 76, iss. 2, pp. 55-64 | climatic and human impact, mountain valleys, alluviation, braided river … pattern, Sudetes Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain … Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain … Polonica (2003) vol. 76, iss. 2 Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain … 2003) vol. 76, iss. 2, pp. 55-64 | climatic and human impact, mountain valleys, alluviation, braided … river pattern, Sudetes Climatic nad human impact on episodic alluviation in small mountain
article/item/7739.html - 15.14 kB
Land use changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free-market economics [75.00% relevance]
(2018) vol. 91, iss. 2, pp. 171-196 | LULC, human impact, socio-economic transformation, catchment … changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during … Land use and land cover changes (LULC) and their impact on potential soil erosion, road density as … changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during … 2018) vol. 91, iss. 2, pp. 171-196 | LULC, human impact, socio-economic transformation, catchment, … changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during
article/item/11335.html - 14.71 kB
Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) [75.00% relevance]
Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating ( … 1995) vol. 65 Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating ( … , Baltic Sea Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating ( … Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf … vol. 65 Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf … Sea Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf
article/item/7900.html - 14.2 kB
Postglacial extreme events and human action in the transformation of Estonian topography and landscapes [62.50% relevance]
, floods, aeolian processes, karst, human impact Postglacial extreme events and human action in … Postglacial extreme events and human action in the transformation of Estonian … ) vol. 76, iss. 2 Postglacial extreme events and human action in the transformation of Estonian … land upheaval, floods, aeolian processes, karst, human impact Postglacial extreme events and human
article/item/7742.html - 13.46 kB
The effects of human activity on changes in the Lower Vistula channel [62.50% relevance]
The effects of human activity on changes in the Lower Vistula channel … the Vistula channel under the impact of human activity. This problem isdiscussed against the … Polonica (1984) vol. 50 The effects of human activity on changes in the Lower Vistula channel … (1984) vol. 50, pp. 271-282 | The effects of human activity on changes in the Lower Vistula channel … changesof the Vistula channel under the impact of human activity. This problem isdiscussed
article/item/8199.html - 12.59 kB
The impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the landforms and landscapes of mountains and their forelands [62.50% relevance]
. 5-11 | mountains, geomorphological processes, human impact, landforms, landscapes The impact of … The impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the … Geographia Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1 The impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the … | mountains, geomorphological processes, human impact, landforms, landscapes The impact of natural and
article/item/13542.html - 15.39 kB
Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure transformation in central Poland since the Neolithic [50.00% relevance]
in the Neoholocene in the context of growing human impact andclimate … Geographia Polonica (2011) … . 84, iss. Special Issue Part 1, pp. 163-178 | human impact, aeolian deposits, slope deposits, … the Neoholocene in the context of growing human impact andclimate … Geographia Polonica (2011) vol. 84 … , iss. Special Issue Part 1, pp. 163-178 | human impact, aeolian deposits, slope deposits, fluvial
article/item/7639.html - 14.03 kB
Spatial diversity of tourist facilities in the Silesian Beskid mountains in Poland [37.50% relevance]
, tourist landscape, tourist facilities, human impact on landscape, index of tourist facilities … density, impact of tourist facilities on landscape Spatial … Beskid, tourist landscape, tourist facilities, human impact on landscape, index of tourist facilities
article/item/12573.html - 15.44 kB
Floodplain forms along the lowland Maros River, Hungary [25.00% relevance]
-68 | natural levee, crevasse, point-bar, human impact, LiDAR survey, Maros River, Hungarian floodplain … pp. 51-68 | natural levee, crevasse, point-bar, human impact, LiDAR survey, Maros River, Hungarian
article/item/12438.html - 14.39 kB
18th-20th Century Flood-Induced Changes In The Landscapes Of The Mała Wisła Valley Within The Oświęcimska Basin [25.00% relevance]
Mała Wisła Valley, changes in landscapes, human impact, floods 18th-20th Century Flood-Induced Changes … , Mała Wisła Valley, changes in landscapes, human impact, floods 18th-20th Century Flood-Induced
article/item/7821.html - 13.97 kB
Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 [25.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 Human impact on physico-geographical processes : proceedings … Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 Human impact on physico-geographical processes :
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Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas [25.00% relevance]
(1995) vol. 64, pp. 61-70 | Urbanization, human impact, air pollution, local climate change, … (1995) vol. 64, pp. 61-70 | Urbanization, human impact, air pollution, local climate change, urban
article/item/7910.html - 12.87 kB
Concepts of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the lower Maas catchment [25.00% relevance]
, climate change, water management, human impact, flooding, Maas River, Geul River, The … management, climate change, water management, human impact, flooding, Maas River, Geul River, The
article/item/7650.html - 15.63 kB
Effects of regional and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series [25.00% relevance]
topoclimate, climatic change, data homogeneity, human impact on climate Effects of regional and local … , climatic change, data homogeneity, human impact on climate Effects of regional and local
article/item/7866.html - 13.38 kB
Causes and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians) [25.00% relevance]
channel, hydromorphologic analysis, human impact, Białka River, Polish Carpathians Causes and … , wandering channel, hydromorphologic analysis, human impact, Białka River, Polish Carpathians Causes
article/item/13550.html - 16.95 kB
Recent advances on geomorphology of the Gorce Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians – state-of-the-art and future perspectives [25.00% relevance]
, hillslope processes, fluvial processes, human impact, biomorphodynamics Recent advances on … , hillslope processes, fluvial processes, human impact, biomorphodynamics Recent advances on
article/item/12896.html - 14.67 kB
Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental interactions on the periphery of Indian civilisation [25.00% relevance]
, Holocene, Anthropocene, Meghalaya, human impact Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: … meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental interactions on the periphery of … The aims of this study were to review human-environment interactions during the Meghalayan … meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental interactions on the periphery of … stratigraphy, Holocene, Anthropocene, Meghalaya, human impact Where the Meghalayan meets the … Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals of human-environmental interactions on the periphery of
article/item/12735.html - 14.42 kB