Results 1 - 4 of 4 for inequalities (0.0101 seconds)
Structural changes of economy and regional development inequalities [100.00% relevance]
changes of economy and regional development inequalities The subject of the present paper is the effect … changes of economy and regional development inequalities Andrzej Wróbel Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. … changes of economy and regional development inequalities, Andrzej Wróbel, Geographia Polonica (1986) vol
article/item/8140.html - 12.57 kB
East-Central European human geographers in English-dominated, Anglophone-based international publishing space [33.33% relevance]
have recently been devoted to the issues of inequalities in the international academicdiscourse. Hardly
article/item/11406.html - 15.4 kB
The connection between the Muslim population and regional disparities of economic development in the Balkan region [33.33% relevance]
. 5-22 | Muslims, Balkan, regional disparities, inequalities in development The connection between the Muslim
article/item/7652.html - 13.61 kB
Territorial disparities between mountains and lowlands in Greece in the context of post-2020 Cohesion Policy [33.33% relevance]
Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 3, pp. 443-467 | inequalities, Cohesion Policy, mountain regions, demographic
article/item/12575.html - 15.43 kB