Results 1 - 5 of 5 for inequality (0.0054 seconds)
Social aspects of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, Georgia, 1960-1980 [100.00% relevance]
Social aspects of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, … to answer the question of whether race-space inequality in living standirds has decreased or increased … 1985) vol. 51 Social aspects of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, … , pp. 65-84 | Social aspects of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta,
article/item/8159.html - 14.83 kB
Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South [100.00% relevance]
in a racial … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the … vol. 61, pp. 433-448 | America, blacks, cities, inequality, race Inequality in the American City: Some
article/item/7980.html - 13.35 kB
Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic region: Towards polarisation or equalization? [50.00% relevance]
or equalization? Regional socio-economic inequality is a major threat of instability in northeast … Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 4, pp. 399-411 | inequality dynamics, regional divergence, polarisation,
article/item/11577.html - 15.13 kB
Social and transport exclusion [25.00% relevance]
, mobility, transport disadvantage, transport inequality Social and transport exclusion, Václav Jaroš,
article/item/11044.html - 13.88 kB
The spatial formation of the Brazilian economy: historical overview and future trends [25.00% relevance]
) vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 89-106 | Brazil regional inequality, economic growth, expansion cycle, analysis of
article/item/7811.html - 13.87 kB