Results 1 - 8 of 8 for innovation (0.0041 seconds)
A New Tool for Economic Growth: Role of Innovation in the Transformation and Regional Development of Hungary [100.00% relevance]
A New Tool for Economic Growth: Role of Innovation in the Transformation and Regional Development … Hungary The paper is concerned with the role of innovation during the transition period. It presents … indicators of the national innovation system and spatial impact of the economic … … , iss. 2 A New Tool for Economic Growth: Role of Innovation in the Transformation and Regional Development … 2, pp. 31-52 | economic transformation, national innovation system, R&D, geographical disparities, regional … policy. A New Tool for Economic Growth: Role of Innovation in the Transformation and Regional Development
article/item/7707.html - 13.6 kB
The significance of regional technology policy for local innovation networks in Germany - case studies from Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia [71.43% relevance]
of regional technology policy for local innovation networks in Germany - case studies from Bavaria … are now considered of particular importance to innovation and technological change and to the growth … of regional technology policy for local innovation networks in Germany - case studies from Bavaria … (1999) vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 63-88 | local innovation network, regional technology policy, Germany, … of regional technology policy for local innovation networks in Germany - case studies from Bavaria
article/item/7810.html - 14.69 kB
Proximity and social capital in the context of artisan food producers: Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation [57.14% relevance]
: Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation Embeddedness of artisan food markets in local … : Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation Gurid Karevoll, Julia Ziółkowska, Grzegorz … vol. 97, iss. 2, pp. 153-168 | tacit knowledge, innovation, social capital, GIS, artisan food producers … : Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation, Gurid Karevoll, Julia Ziółkowska, Grzegorz
article/item/13923.html - 16.59 kB
Consultancy and Innovation. The business service revolution in Europe. Ed. Peter Wood. Routlege, London and New York 2002 [42.86% relevance]
Consultancy and Innovation. The business service revolution in Europe. Ed. … Polonica (2002) vol. 75, iss. 2 Consultancy and Innovation. The business service revolution in Europe. Ed. … ) vol. 75, iss. 2, pp. 145-149 | Consultancy and Innovation. The business service revolution in Europe. Ed.
article/item/3550.html - 12.04 kB
Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the Netherlands [14.29% relevance]
points of information flows, creativity and innovation, particular medium-sized towns … Geographia
article/item/7812.html - 13.93 kB
Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town [14.29% relevance]
Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 393-404 | innovation, locality, situational context Attitudes towards
article/item/7977.html - 12.9 kB
Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries [14.29% relevance]
160 | Science and Technology Parks, technopoles, innovation centres, East-Central Europe, high technology
article/item/7893.html - 13.27 kB
The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd Province, Iran [14.29% relevance]
economic creativity. Owing to the importance of innovation, … Geographia Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 3
article/item/11410.html - 15.55 kB