Results 1 - 2 of 2 for integrated control (0.0140 seconds)
Visegrad countries in global production networks: Value creation, control and capture [100.00% relevance]
in global production networks: Value creation, control and capture The Visegrad countries have become … in global production networks: Value creation, control and capture Jana Vlčková Geographia Polonica ( … in global production networks: Value creation, control and capture, Jana Vlčková, Geographia Polonica ( … The Visegrad countries have become increasingly integrated into global production networks, mainly due to
article/item/11605.html - 15.38 kB
Critical considerations in Acacia mearnsii eradication: A case from South Africa [75.00% relevance]
investment that has been made in attempts to control Acacia mearnsii there is little evidence to show … , ecosystem goods and services, integrated control, invasive alien species, poverty Critical … landscapes, ecosystem goods and services, integrated control, invasive alien species, poverty
article/item/10542.html - 14.29 kB