Results 1 - 4 of 4 for internal city structure (0.0296 seconds)
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) [100.00% relevance]
of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of … of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of … of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of … -economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) The paper … -economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) Franz- … Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 143-156 | household structure, unemployment and social welfare benefits Some … -economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG), Franz- … on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) The paper explores … on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) Franz-josef Kemper … on the internal population structure of the city. The
article/item/7959.html - 13.37 kB
A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city [90.00% relevance]
internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28 A model of … internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Andrzej Werwicki Geographia Polonica (1974) vol … internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city, Andrzej Werwicki, Geographia Polonica (1974) … A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Geographia … Polonica (1974) vol. 28 A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Andrzej Werwicki … ) vol. 28, pp. 117-126 | A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city, Andrzej … A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city … Polonica (1974) vol. 28 A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city … (1974) vol. 28, pp. 117-126 | A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city,
article/item/8610.html - 11.74 kB
Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw [60.00% relevance]
Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw One major prerequisite … for generalizations concerning the internal structure of a city, which is viewed as a relatively … … Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw Irena Chudzyńska … Polonica (1981) vol. 44, pp. 201-210 | Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw, Irena Chudzyńska, … prerequisite for generalizations concerning the internal structure of a city, which is viewed as a … concerning the internal structure of a city, which is viewed as a relatively isolated
article/item/8291.html - 13.02 kB
The spatial deconcentration of housing resources in Warsaw in the years 1945-2008 [40.00% relevance]
(2012) vol. 85, iss. 1, pp. 67-80 | internal city structure, housing, city life-cycles, … Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 1, pp. 67-80 | internal city structure, housing, city life-cycles, … 2012) vol. 85, iss. 1, pp. 67-80 | internal city structure, housing, city life-cycles, deconcentration,
article/item/7561.html - 13.86 kB