Results 1 - 13 of 13 for labour (0.0050 seconds)
Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries [100.00% relevance]
Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries The … of the article is to analyse the changes in labour market destinations of geography graduates in … . 1 Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries Danuta … 112 | geographical studies, geography graduates, labour market, professional career, workplaces, first … job Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries, Danuta
article/item/9407.html - 13.56 kB
Labour market reform and youth unemployment in Poland [80.00% relevance]
an unwelcome, if predictable, cost of Polish labour market reform. Yet even though young people … the … Geographia Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 1 Labour market reform and youth unemployment in Poland … , youth, unemployment, convergence, regions Labour market reform and youth unemployment in Poland,
article/item/7792.html - 13.66 kB
Changes in the labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic and their spatial interactions – evidence from monthly data for Polish LAU [80.00% relevance]
Changes in the labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic and their … Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 4 Changes in the labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic and their … (2021) vol. 94, iss. 4, pp. 523-538 | COVID-19, labour market, unemployment, containment measures, … spatial panel model Changes in the labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic and their
article/item/13143.html - 14.52 kB
Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and illustrations [60.00% relevance]
evolving … Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected … Polonica (1986) vol. 52, pp. 171-178 | Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected
article/item/8143.html - 13.36 kB
Migration trends and regional labour market change in Poland [60.00% relevance]
Migration trends and regional labour market change in Poland At the micro-level, the … (1988) vol. 54 Migration trends and regional labour market change in Poland Piotr Korcelli … . 54, pp. 5-18 | Migration trends and regional labour market change in Poland, Piotr Korcelli,
article/item/8090.html - 14.44 kB
Counterurbanization in a growing local labour market in Sweden [60.00% relevance]
Counterurbanization in a growing local labour market in Sweden This article analyses an … , iss. 1 Counterurbanization in a growing local labour market in Sweden Niklas Bergström, Ulf Wiberg … , Sweden Counterurbanization in a growing local labour market in Sweden, Niklas Bergström, Ulf Wiberg,
article/item/7754.html - 13.16 kB
A framework for an analysis of the international and interregional division of labour [60.00% relevance]
the international and interregional division of labour Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 20 A framework … the international and interregional division of labour Lucjan Ciamaga Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. … the international and interregional division of labour, Lucjan Ciamaga, Geographia Polonica (1972) vol
article/item/8709.html - 11.84 kB
Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis through mutations in the work force and selective migrations [20.00% relevance]
, centrality, mobility - division of labour, professional qualification, selective migration
article/item/7856.html - 15.09 kB
The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S. automotive sector: A review of the state of knowledge and some ideas for future research [20.00% relevance]
, spatial dynamics, agglomeration economies, labour The geography of Japanese direct investment in
article/item/9478.html - 13.74 kB
Exploring the spatial concentration of foreign employment in Poland under the simplified procedure [20.00% relevance]
, foreign employment, seasonal employment, labour market, simplified procedure Exploring the
article/item/11808.html - 14.77 kB
South-North migrations. The case of Spain [20.00% relevance]
International migrations, Spain, Maghreb, cheap labour force, Mediterranean world imbalance, Moroccan
article/item/7892.html - 14.31 kB
Poverty and household economic practices in Nowa Huta, Poland [20.00% relevance]
-24 | post-socialist housing estates, Nowa Huta, labour market strategies, social networks, material
article/item/5579.html - 14.33 kB
The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition [20.00% relevance]
, graduate, geography, higher education, labour market, transition The role of competences for
article/item/10510.html - 14.07 kB