Results 1 - 4 of 4 for lakes (0.0054 seconds)
Effect of the north Atlantic oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland [100.00% relevance]
oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland The paper presents an … of correlations between water levels in Polish lakes and the rate of the North Atlantic Oscillation ( … oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland Dariusz Wrzesiński, Mariusz … 2, pp. 243-259 | teleconnections, water levels, lakes, NAO Effect of the north Atlantic oscillation on … water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland, Dariusz Wrzesiński, Mariusz
article/item/11338.html - 14.59 kB
Determining water level fluctuations in small-area lakes using satellite radar data [80.00% relevance]
water level fluctuations in small-area lakes using satellite radar data The research … changes in the water level in small glacial lakes (with an area of ~1 km2). The … Geographia … water level fluctuations in small-area lakes using satellite radar data Adam Piasecki, … water level fluctuations in small-area lakes using satellite radar data, Adam Piasecki,
article/item/13862.html - 14.68 kB
Towards a quantitative reconstruction of lake trophic state in temperate lakes using subfossil cladocera and diatoms: Composition of a training set from NE Poland [60.00% relevance]
of lake trophic state in temperate lakes using subfossil cladocera and diatoms: … of lake trophic state in temperate lakes using subfossil cladocera and diatoms: … of lake trophic state in temperate lakes using subfossil cladocera and diatoms:
article/item/13321.html - 15.66 kB
Evaluation of the water balance of an interconnected group of lakes [60.00% relevance]
the water balance of an interconnected group of lakes The problems arising in assessment of lake water … the water balance of an interconnected group of lakes Zdzisław Mikulski Geographia Polonica (1968) vol … the water balance of an interconnected group of lakes, Zdzisław Mikulski, Geographia Polonica (1968)
article/item/8817.html - 12.44 kB