Results 1 - 2 of 2 for land degradation (0.0108 seconds)
Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the transition to free-market economics (1986-2019) [100.00% relevance]
Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable development of the … iss. 1 Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable development of the … Indicator 15.3.1, sustainable development, land degradation, land use, Polish Carpathians Land-use changes … and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable development of the … Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable … 2019) The objective of this study was to analyse land use and land cover in three catchments of the … , using good practice guidance for estimating land … Geographia Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1 … Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable … SDG Indicator 15.3.1, sustainable development, land degradation, land use, Polish Carpathians Land- … use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable
article/item/13549.html - 14.55 kB
Transformation of treeless depression wetlands in Central Europe over the last 100 years: Włoszczowa Basin (southern Poland) case study [16.67% relevance]
(2023) vol. 96, iss. 4, pp. 473-491 | wetlands, degradation, agriculture, drainage, Central Europe … Poland) case study Historical changes in land use and development over the last century were
article/item/13812.html - 14.89 kB