Results 1 - 2 of 2 for local state (0.0261 seconds)
Demographic processes in Poland in the years 1946-2016 and their consequences for local development: Current state and research perspectives [100.00% relevance]
the years 1946-2016 and their consequences for local development: Current state and research … phenomena and processes on broadly understood local development in Poland. The … Geographia Polonica … the years 1946-2016 and their consequences for local development: Current state and research … 91, iss. 3, pp. 317-334 | demographic processes, local development, urbanisation, depopulation, … the years 1946-2016 and their consequences for local development: Current state and research … consequences for local development: Current state and research perspectives The article presents … consequences for local development: Current state and research perspectives Przemysław Śleszyński … consequences for local development: Current state and research perspectives, Przemysław Śleszyński
article/item/11409.html - 15.22 kB
Urban Development in Post-transition Hungary: Emerging Social Conflicts as Constraints for a Locality [25.00% relevance]
-38 | urban restructuring, civic participation, local state, transition, Hungary Urban Development in … urban restructuring, civic participation, local state, transition, Hungary Urban Development in Post-
article/item/7714.html - 13.67 kB